Chapter 18

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<Hope's Point of View>

After I had the talk with Hiccup explaining what was going to happen next I was on my way home when I came across a shadow following me. I acted as if I didn't know what it was until I slid behind a corner I waited for the person to come around and then jumped at them and pinned them to the floor. It was a girl that was my first glance because she then disappered from beneath me. I got up and turned around and saw Fear standing right in front of me.

"Wondered when you were gonna find out about me?" I said to her she laughed "It wasn't that hard to find out okay and besides why would that Hiccup boy be at the house last night without a little nudge to go there," she replied. This was going to be an interesting conversation. "Well what do you want anyway?" I asked her "I need you to stop what your doing, I need Merida she can help me with what I want to do and beside with having the biggest Fear of all that makes me stronger than ever, so back off," did she really think that was going to happen, "And what makes you think I'm going to do that," i asked her "Because I'm your sister and most of all you wouldn't want me to hurt that boy now would you what's his name again oh yeah Hiccup, plus you know something that can help Merida and I don't want you to do what that is," she was right but I wasn't going to let that happen.

"Fine I shall stay out of it but this isn't the end I will stop you whatever it takes but I will not let you hurt him or her," I said to her. That put a smirk on her face "Good and you had better otherwise it will be you as well," then she disappeared right in front of me. What have I done?

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