Chapter 31

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Okay so how did she know where I was heading and who's she to say that Fear told me a pack of lies, well most of it anyway. AND who is she to say to me to watch my back. At first I thought she was this beautiful girl who was doing no harm until I looked to deep into her eyes. If I hadn't done that then I would never of got her stupid thoughts in my head. Urgh no wonder Fear said she was a pain cause she is and a BIG one in fact.

I was heading to the town's park where Fear told me where the crystal was hidden my first thought was why in a park but then she told me there was a secret opening around that area which was where it was. I got to the park and it was quiet which got me a bit suspicious. I carried on to where she said it was, I stopped and thought No I'm going back I'm not doing her work for her I should be off to school not doing this, but then I second thought of what she told me, she couldn't because of who she is. Great but she also wants me to do this because it will prove who I really am.

I tried looking for a place to open where I was meant to go, but found nothing. What a waste of my time. I leaned against one of the big rocks next to me. I always wondered why there were rocks around this area in the park cause I always thought that they'd be at the beach or in a cave. Not in a park. But as I leaned against I fell over and when I looked up there were a set of stairs going down and down and down into the dark. This must be it. So off I went down into the dark place where no one should go but this was me and Fear so she can carry on with what she needs to do, which I still have no idea about.

Elsa's Point of View

So I took a day off school to help my parents with their work, only cause they needed while Anna went off to school for she would do it next time they needed. The school know about this because they know what are family does. I was done with what I was doing so I decided to take a stroll through the park. It was quite which was weird because it wasn't usually like this even on a weekday while people were at school.

As I got closer to the big rocks at the end of the park I thought I could see a flight of stairs heading down into darkness. I thought that I should go down into the dark hole but the thing is I never had seen it before so I thought maybe not. But I couldn't resist so I raced down the stairs into darkness not knowing where I am.

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