Chapter 15

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The day came and I was freaking out. I did what Hiccup told me to do and everything, shut the door making sure it was locked including all the windows. Made sure that all the curtains were drawn closed no light came in through the house so I lit some candles to make it a bit brighter. Now all I had to do is wait.

I sat in silence until I heard BANG BANG it was the door I decided not to answer it in case it was just my imagination. But then I heard it go again BANG BANG. That was it I decided to answer it. I had to unlock the three locks I had to put on it and when I opened it up it was Hiccup who had just barged through my front door. "Excuse me what are you doing here not to be rude or anything?" I asked him who turned around and looked at me. "I thought that I could come and help you just in case you got out or anything. Oh and don't worry I told my mom that I'm round Rapunzel's house and she said that was cool," he replied back. I gave him my look of I'm impressed "So you told a lie to your mom so you could help me," he nodded. I thought wow no one would ever do that well I guess that he is just not no one. Whoa what am I thinking anyway back to reality.

Before I closed the door a got a glimmpse of the moon and the next thing I know is the door is slammed and Hiccup is beside me. He took me up to my room and sat me on the bed. I started to get all cold I never felt this temperature before and then around us snow started to fall and the floor became to ice. This was it I was losing control I started to feel scared I didn't know what to do. Hiccup then came and sat next to me "Listen to me Merida you need to think of something happy to get your mind off of the coldness, you hear me," I nodded to show that I was listening. I started to think, I thought of the beach with the hot beaming sun sparkle across the sea. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen....

As I was thinking of this lovely image I got pulled back because I came back to reality to find that my whole room was now on fire "I thought you said that if I thought of something happy it would work!" I shouted at Hiccup. "Well it got rid of the ice so that was a start but what did you think of!" he shouted I told him it was the beach with the burning sun and that was why the fire started so I had to think of something else I still thought of the beach but this time it was sunny it was a little windy and then started to rain how was this happy...

Now my room had a huge wind and a massive down pour. This was not turning out good. "Maybe your looking in the wrong angle try a different one," i have him a look of confusion but then I got. I decided to think of the first time i met Hiccup then Rapunzel but then Jack came into the picture that changed everything. When I came back to reality I wanted to do the thing I feared that was hurting Hiccup. "Hiccup you need to leave," I told him "Why?" he asked "Cause if you don't then you are going to get seriously hurt," he came forward not backwards like I wanted him to "No I'm gonna help you get through this," but then ice ball came firing out my hands towards him luckily he dodged. Then I heard someone barge through it was Jack what he was doing here. Including Rapunzel, Elsa and Anna behind him. This just got a whole lot better.

"Listen to me Hiccup you need to leave....that includes all of you," I shouted at them. "No Merida I said that I would help you get through this so I'm staying," I sighed and turned my back away from him "Hiccup maybe she is right you should leave," Jack was the one who spoke "No Jack your the reason that she is like this I told her to think so something from a different angle somthing that made her happy so she thought of the day she met me then Rapunzel but then you came and she ran away. That brought back all the memories of what you, we did to her." How did he know all that? Who cares at least he is trying to help.

Then all I could hear was them arguing all of them. That was great I had the popular group all in my house arguing. But something was happening inside me I felt too many emotions right now happy, outrage, sad and before I knew it I shouted out "SHUT UP!" then i fell to the floor and blacked out......

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