Chapter 40

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Hiccup's Point of View

Me and Rapunzel ran at full speed all the way back to Hope's house. I knew she had something to say and I have a feeling I know what it was. But I just need to be sure; I just need to convince myself that it's not what we need to do.

Finally we got there, while out of breath, knocked as hard as I possibly could. The door opened and we got pulled into the house which was lit with candle light. Why was the room in candle light?

"I knew you would come back, I could see the lightening outside," she came out of the shadows. Her bright orange hair stood out amongst the candles. Her emerald eyes were sad with despair.

"How can we stop this?" Rapunzel asked with worry. "You already know how?" but as she said that her eyes directed towards me. As they did Rapunzel followed and looked at me. "What? How does he know?" she was no longer worried but confused. I could tell.

"You've known for a while haven't you?" she asked me. "It's the only way isn't it?" she nodded at me. I turned around and brushed my fingers through my hair. "Your thinking you can't do it, but you can. I know you can," I turned back around to face her.

"Think about it logically Hiccup, think way back and deep down you know it's right and the only way," I ran over to her and hugged and her whispered "Thank you, I will never forget this, even if..." I didn't finish but let go. She nodded and I ran out the door with Rapunzel on my heels.

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