Chapter 22

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"Okay so here's the thing, I get told that you are working with Fear's sister called Hope and that you were trying to kill me because you think that I'm a danger since that night, so what else pops into my head is that your trying to kill Fear too, please tell me this is not true because I dunno what to think," Well that was easier than I thought but was it cause now its his turn to speak, "What in the name of Thor! That is not true why would I bother helping you if I wanted to do that to you," I was now confused "So you can get me weak and that way I would be easier to kill maybe that was the reason why!" he stumbled back and so did I. "Well I don't okay and who on earth would tell you that anyway....wait let me guess Fear herself. But let me tell you something Merida it hurts me to think that you would think I would do that to you after all that we've been through and most of all I think Fear told you all that so she can have you all to herself and get her plan underway," I stumbled back even further. I could see the look in his eyes that he had said to much.

"Wait what plan have you been talking with Hope," I asked him that's when he sighed "Yes we have been but it wasn't our doing," wait did he just say we "Who the hell is we?" that caught him out I could tell. "Me and Rapunzel so what if we spoke to her its not like we took up on her deal and what she wanted us to do, we said no because there was no way we could help her so she left twice does that make you happier," no it didn't I didn't need to know anything else because I now know the truth he made it pretty clear to me "Whatever Hiccup do you know what you have just proved to me that I can never trust you anymore when I thought that I could trust you the most of all and also I thought maybe just maybe I could have a chance of being happy but I guess I was wrong," then I ran away far away as I could go.

Hiccup's Point of View

After she stormed off I did the exact the same I walked past the table with the rest of my friends on and sat outside hoping that no one was following me but I was wrong Rapunzel came and sat next to me "You wanna talk about?" she asked me I shook my head "Look we know that it's Fear who has done this so why don't we go back to Hope and tell her we will help her because we do and maybe we can find out what Fear's plan is what do you say?" I looked at her and nodded maybe it was time to help instead of sitting and watching for a change. So me and Rapunzel got up and went to go and find Hope.

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