Chapter 38

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Hiccup's Point of View

It wasn't her, that's not her I kept saying to myself. It can't be, I mean it just can't. The only thing I can think of is that crystal, Fear has it and is controlling her. Turning her into the person that she isn't. I can't stand it, I begin to storm in their direction but Jack pulls me back down to the ground with a thud.

"What are you doing?!" I have screamed, half whispered to him. "You don't go walking into a battle field where your gonna get killed straight away okay especially since you are number one on the hit list!" he screamed half whispered as well. He was right, what were we gonna do?

"Okay how well can you guys fight and distract at the same time?" I asked them. They looked at me confused, "Pretty well actually," Jack said he pulled out this big staff out of nowhere and ice spread across his feet. We all looked at him in awe. "How long have you been able to control ice may we ask?" Elsa asked. He shrugged and said "Forever I guess," We all just looked at him with our jaws open.

"Okay whatever Jack, Elsa, Anna distract Merida for me and Rapunzel," they nodded and I turned to Rapunzel "Now were gonna find out the truth from Hope, because we both know that she lied to us," She nodded. We all headed in different directions to stop what is happening around us.

Comment on what you think so far and thanks for reading.

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