Broken arm

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SUMMARY: Brett Breyer challenges you to an arm wrestle and gets more than what he expected...

This was also posted onto my other imagines book but I decided to post it on here as well

"-And then he challenged me to an arm wrestle, I won, of course" You grinned, leaning back against the plastic chair in the cafeteria
You were bragging to Billy and Freddy about how you managed to beat the batman in an arm wrestle.

"Wait, so you managed to beat a full grown adult in an arm wrestle?" Freddy leans forward, absolutely entranced in the story

"Dude, remember who her father is, she could beat literally anyone here" Bill bumped his shoulder against Freddy's and then froze when he saw Brett Breyer standing behind you

"So..." He starts, cracking his knuckles menacingly "You think lanky over here could beat anyone in an arm wrestle?"

You turn around in your chair, hair flicking over your shoulder as you stare at him confusedly 

"You talking about me?" You ask, pointing to yourself

"Of course I'm talking about you" He rolls his eyes

You ponder over the outcomes and shrug, the chair scraping against the floor as you stand up and looking at him, though there was a large height difference "You're on Breyer"


"Brett" Freddy warns "Perhaps you should reconsider this"

A crowd of students formed a circle around a table, both you and Brett sitting opposite sides of each other.

"You trying to stop this for your little girlfriend, scared she's gonna hurt herself" Freddy blushed, looking down at the floor and quietly muttering 'she isn't my girlfriend'

"Freeman doesn't talk on behalf of me, he was simply warning you Brett" You rest your right elbow on the table, flexing your fingers and leaning forward slightly

"As if I need a warning" He scoffs, copying your movements "You're the one who should be scared"

"Like i'm totally gonna be scared of a guy who can only lift a one pound dumbbell" Everyone 'oohed' at that and Brett's mouth dropped slightly as he tried to think of a comeback "Come on big boy, let's do this"

You clench onto his hand tightly just as he does yours and suddenly you feel pressure as he starts pushing your hand downward, but with just one flex of your arm it makes it harder for Brett to push, like he's trying to push against a heavy boulder.

"You look tired, Brett, perhaps you'd like a water break" You jokingly remark, watching a bead of sweat drip down his forehead "Honestly, this is like versing a three year old"

Brett lets out a sort of pained growl as he tries with all his might to push your hand down.

"And I could easily beat you like..." You pause for dramatic effect and then push "That"

Brett's arm goes slamming onto the table and a few students cringe when they hear a crack. You freeze up when you hear him let out a pained cry.

"You've broken my arm!" He exclaims, holding onto the limp like a noodle

Well shit...


You let out another sigh, gaze averting to the carpeted floor of the office as you wait outside the principals office. Your gaze shoots up when you see the Breyer brothers along with their father walk out of the room.

Burke walks out first, glancing towards you he gives you a glare which you mimic. Their father walks out next, rolling his eyes and shaking his head when he looks at you. Brett has his arm in a makeshift sling, his head turning towards you before quickly looking away, a light hue of blush coating his cheeks.

You furrow your brows, leaning over to Freddy "Does he like getting his arm broken or somethin'?"

Jack Dylan Grazer and character imagines *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*Where stories live. Discover now