Pregnancy, Eddie 🌈☁️

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Soo my baby fever is through the roof (don't judge) and I thought what better way to feed into it than give Eddie some pregnancy headcanons (might do Jack and Freddy later) They are also aged up to 18 and the reader is still Richies twin sister


- This was definitely not a planned pregnancy.

- You'd had the baby talk with him when you were around 16.

- Both of you agreed that you would get married later on and have children then.

- When you think back on when this baby may've been conceived, you come to the conclusion it was probably when you got drunk at Stans house and had some drunken sex on his bed.

- Sorry Stan!

- When you first tell Eddie...He faints.

- Straight up faints and falls flat on his face.

- Took him about five minutes to regain consciousness. 

- Asks you again if he heard you correctly when he's upright.

- When you show him the positive test, he has an existential crisis.

- You were Richies twin sister (and technically 10 minutes younger).

- His ass was about to be thrown out of Derry.


- You schedule a meeting at the clubhouse.

- Beverly, Ben and Bill are like super supportive sisters.

- Mike is also supportive, but worried for how Eddies mom is gonna react.

- Stan sorta stands there and asks how far along you are.

- You tell him a month and three days.

- Gears turning in his head.

- Disgusted look on his face.

- "I slept on those sheets!" He screeches

- But Richie sorta stands there quietly.

- "So you been bangin' my sister, Kaspbrak?" Eddie instantly takes like three steps back and hides behind you.

- Be prepared to fight your brother off Eddie.

- Richies is like full on trying to strangle Eddie to death.

- When you pull Richie off Eddie (with the help of Bill and Mike), Eddie manages to climb out of the clubhouse with Richie running after him.

- Eddie manages to run to the safety of his home before Richie could get his hands on him

- You knock some sense into Richie when you get home, telling him it wasn't planned and that Eddie is just as scared as you.

- Richie calms his ass down, not wanting to be decked in the face again.


- When it comes to telling Mrs Kaspbrak, it didn't go well.

- She chases you out of her house, calling you a whore and saying you've corrupted her son.

- Even has the balls to try and drag you to an abortion clinic 

- She will never be supportive of the pregnancy.

- Eddie moves out of her house just days after the whole ordeal.

- Your parents, however, are really supportive of the pregnancy.

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