⛈Break up, make up....

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"I-i think we should break up..."

The sentence caught you off guard for sure, and you felt everything around you stop.

"Why?" You finally ask after a few minutes of silence

"I don't love you anymore" He replies, his gaze moving towards the sparsely decorated wall in front of him

Lies! You could tell from his wavering voice and how quick he was trying to answer, that it was all a load of bull.

But you didn't question him any longer, and stood up from your uncomfortable position

"Well I hope you find someone who will love you like I did" And with that you shut the door to his bedroom and ran down the hallway of his house until you found the front door. Angela, his mother tried to stop you and ask you what was wrong, but you felt too numb to answer anything she asked you


Jack covered himself under the covers as he silently cried. He was still in love with you after weeks of being broken up.

He didn't want to break up with you, he just thought that because he is an actor and is constantly travelling, that you'd find someone else to love.

And he couldn't handle all the negative thoughts.

He quickly whipped his phone out, sending you a message

Jack: Meet me at the skate park.

                                                       You: Why?

Jack: Just do it.


As soon as he saw you sitting at the park, he ran over to you

"I-i tried to forget about you, b-but I couldn't" He breathes out

You look up at him as tears slowly start cascading down your cheeks

"I tried as well, but nobody understands me like you do" You slowly stand up and wrap your arms around him breathing in his cologne

"L-let's never break up again" He whispers into your coat

"Deal" You sniff, pulling apart and looking into his eyes before giving him a quick kiss.


After the whole ordeal with beating Pennywise, Eddie slowly started excluding himself from group activities and you couldn't blame him. He saw some things down there and was the most affected out of everyone since he was literally face to face with Pennywise and broke his arm.

But when he one day went straight up to you and said he wanted to break up it broke you

"Why!? What did I do!?" You choked out

He said nothing but started shakily walking away from you, his puffer at his lips every few seconds.


It had been a month since you'd seen Eddie.

You were reading through a book when the home phone started ringing

"Y/n it's for you" Your mother calls from downstairs

You jump down the stairs and take the phone from your mothers grasp

"Hello this is Y/n" You say into the phone

"Y/n! Thank god!" A familiar voice says

"Bev? What's going on?" You ask

Jack Dylan Grazer and character imagines *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*Where stories live. Discover now