Bloody Flowers, Jack

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SUMMARY: Jack fell in love...But it wasn't reciprocated

WARNINGS: Unrequited love? Angst, possible happy ending (I ain't spoiling it)

Jack choked back a sob as he retched into the once clean toilet bowl which was now covered in white blood stained rose petals.

"Hey kid, you okay?" Bill asked, placing a gloved hand on his back and rubbing it gently

"I'm fin-" He cut himself off when he coughed out more petals, he gripped the edge of the toilet seat tightly and his knuckles turned white "I'm fine."

"That doesn't look fine" Bill stated, kneeling on the tiled bathroom floor, moving the hand that was on his back to his shoulder and turning the boy to face him "You look like you've just seen death" He took his glove off and placed his hand on Jack's forehead "And you're burning up"

"I'm fine" Jack insisted, pushing away Bills hand and standing up on shaky legs 

"Coughing up petals is not exactly my definition of being fine" Bill fired back, standing up as well and towering over the young boy "I'm worried, Jack"

"Was there something you needed to tell me?" Jack crossed his arms over his chest and raised a brow

"Andrès is ready to film the scene" Bill responded, fiddling with his wig "But right now I don't think this film is as important as your health, to me man"

Jack sighed, wincing as he walked out of the bathroom, Bill trailing behind him, his expression showing nothing but worry.

Jack stopped walking, letting out a raspy sigh as he turned to face Bill "Hanahaki disease" 

Bill cocks his head to the side and Jack closes his eyes, willing the feeling of the petals crawling their way up his throat to go away "I have Hanahaki disease"

"Either I'm really dumb or I just haven't caught up on the latest of medical articles but what the hell is Hanahaki disease?" Bill scratches at the prosthetically enlarged forehead 

"It's a very rare disease that occurs when the person you're in love with doesn't recripocrate your feelings" Bill slowly nodded in understanding

"I always knew there was something between you and Wyatt" Jack snaps his head in Bills direction who burst out in laughter "I'm kidding with you man, but honestly it doesn't sound that bad-"

"I'm dying, Bill" He froze in his tracks, laughter stopping abruptly

"Wait what? I think I just heard you incorrectly, I swear I just heard you say that you were dying"

"I am, the flowers that I'm coughing up are growing in my lungs and eventually....I'll suffocate" Jack shrugs nonchalantly "I've already accepted my fate, doctors say I haven't got long left"

"Wait hold on man, this is really serious. Like, obviously coughing up petals in any case is not good, but that fact that it's suffocating you is just like really really not good" Bill pauses, hesitating to ask his next question "How long do you have left?"

"About three weeks" Jack looks to the ground "I could've had the surgery to get the flowers removed but if I get it removed then it means that I lose feelings for Y/n"

"Who cares if you lose Y/n" Bill exclaims "You are literally walking to your grave, and for what? Some stupid person who doesn't like you back?!"

"Don't talk about Y/n like that" Jack warns "I love them and I would rather die than not love them"

Bill couldn't believe what he was hearing...Jack really loved you and was willing to die for you.

"I'm really not in the mood for this argument, Bill, so, if you'll excuse me I'll be on set with the others" Bill watched with wide eyes as Jack retreated out of the hallways


You noticed that there was something off with Jack. Each line he had been diligently practicing for hours was now choppy and ended with a raspy cough and a sleeve wipe to the mouth.

You paused mid-line when Jack keeled over and started erratically coughing, his arms wrapping around his waist as he tried to expel whatever was in his throat.

"Jack?" You ask softly, moving closer to which Jack responded by awkwardly shuffling from you "Jack what's going on" You caught up to his weak figure and placed a hand on his shoulder

That was the breaking point for Jack who let out a retching sound and a choked gasp as a fully bloomed white rose tainted with red was expelled from his mouth and landed on the dirty ground.

"Oh my god! Jack!" You exclaim, your arms holding him up by the waist as he head rolled onto your shoulder "Are you okay?"

"Jesus Jack" You heard Wyatt yell, and then the hurried sounds of footsteps reached your ears as cast and crew circled the weak boy

"I-i" Jack whimpered, looking up dazedly at you, blood dripping from the side of his mouth as he gave you weak smile "You have nice eyes..." Was the last thing he said before falling from your grip and tumbling to the dirt floor

 "Jack? Jack!" You fall to the ground trying to shake his limp figure

Your heartbeat increased rapidly as you tried to think of anything that would help save him.

"He said three weeks.." Bill mutters, but it was loud enough for you to hear and you look up at him

"Three weeks?" You ask, your hands trying to wipe the blood from his face but only making it more messy "What do you mean three weeks?"

Bill hesitated, shuffling on one foot to the other and chewing on his bottom lip "Bill, this is really important. What do you mean 'three weeks'?"

All Bill had to do was open his mouth and everything came tumbling out. He confessed that Jack had a disease that was slowly killing him and that the only way to save him was either recripocrate the feelings or get it surgically removed. That the reason Jack even had this disease was because of you...

You finally understood now, your knees knocking against his arms as you awkwardly leaned forward, trying not to think about the fact that there was so much blood. Your lips gently press against his.

It honestly felt weird, kissing someone whose lips were lukewarm, but that made you realise that he was on the brink of death. 

It was like everything clicked, what you had assumed was just a strong friendship was actually something more and your hand hesitantly moved to his blood stained cheek, your eyes slipping shut as you poured your heart and soul into the kiss.

You pulled away slowly, your hand not moving from his face. Tears welled up in your eyes when you realised that he was still limp.

"Please wake up" You sniff, rubbing the sleeve of your shirt over your nose, you squeeze your eyes shut letting out a choked sob "Please..."

With your eyes shut tightly you failed to realise that Jacks eyes had slid open and his hand reached up gently to wipe away the fallen tear which was sliding down your red cheek.

Eyes snapping open you let out a gasp as Jack gave you a weak smile, his head cocking to the side as he stares up at you.

"You have really nice eyes"

Jack Dylan Grazer and character imagines *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*Where stories live. Discover now