🌈Princess (Freddy)

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You were pacing your large room, hand held to your forehead

"-And I told him it was a bad idea, because your busy, but he went and blabbed again, but instead of saying superhero me is his best friend....He told everyone he's dating you" Billy bit his lip, looking into the computer camera

"When did he say I was having lunch with him?" You sigh, plopping down on your desk chair 

"In three days" Billy gave you an awkward smile and you groan in response

"I can't do Friday! I'm having morning tea with Mr and Mrs President" Your head bangs on the desk table "And I don't exactly have a good reason to leave England just to go to America for a day"

"Then sneak here..." Billy shrugs "The President also asked me to accompany him to the morning tea as 'Superhero representative' or whatever that is" He uses quotation marks and you can't help but laugh out loud

"But then what? I'll be noticed the second I step out of the Palace gates" You ask

"I'll sneak you out" He exclaims

"Easy for you to say, your not the one who lives in a heavily guarded home" You groan out "If I stay here, Freddy will get yet another suitcase wedgie, but if I go, my parents will call every secret services known to man just to look for me." You look into the computer screen "I hate being heir to the throne" 

"I'm ready to swap whenever you are" Billy jokes

"Alright, hypothetically, if we do this, you get to tell my parents the reason why you dragged me to Philadelphia" You sigh out

"Deal, alright I gotta go, can't be caught skipping class again"

"And I can't miss out on this dinner"


When dinner had finally finished, you dashed back to your room, quickly getting ready for bed.

As you slept, you dreamed about how you first met


"Mother do I really have to go?" You whine

"Yes dear, as future Queen it is your duty to meet the newest superheros, even if they are from....America" She gags out the last part clearing it up by placing a handkerchief over her mouth

"What's wrong with the Americans?" You ask

"Nothing is wrong with them, darling, we just don't exactly agree with most of their choices"

"As crowned Princess, I will attend this masquerade ball, only if you stop judging people on their nationality"

You sighed as the cheery music played on.

Every time someone would come up to dance with you, you turned your nose upwards and completely ignored them, until they left.

You'd given up on finding anyone entertaining- or better yet, your age, to dance with (All the people who would try to ask you were at least 25 and you were only 15)

Your mother and father quickly rushed to your side, shoving you into an empty room

"W-what the-" Your about to finish your sentence when the door opens quite loudly and you jump

"Your Royal Majesties and Highness, allow me to introduce you to the special guests" A butler announces.

A group of seven children walk into the room

"Not what I was expecting..." You whisper to your father, who chuckles

A young woman in a dark red dress steps up, curtseying low

Jack Dylan Grazer and character imagines *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*Where stories live. Discover now