☁️🌈Isolation, Jack

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You sighed for the umpteenth time that day.

Ever since this whole Corona Virus thing occurred, your mother has turned full mother bear and practically barred you from leaving the house. You were supposed to be in the middle of filming season 4 of Stranger Things.

It kinda sucked when you thought about it more thoroughly.

Why oh why couldn't the Corona Virus have happened earlier, when you were in that relationship with...Vanessa, was it? But of course, just when you get in a relationship with someone you actually like, the world decides to fuck with you.

Which reminded you.

How had Jack been holding up?

He'd been very vague about how he was doing, the only reason you knew he was alive was because he was responding to your texts and he was posting skateboarding videos

"At least his mother is being a little more flexible about his isolation" You muttered to yourself

You'd tried numerous times to convince your mother to let you out of the house to visit Jack.

"Come on, mom, it'll just be Jack"

"Darling?" Your mothers echoed behind the door

"Yeah mom?" You sit up and shut your laptop gently

"I'm going out to stock up the pantry" She explains, opening the door slightly 

"Can I come" You ask, a hopeful glint in your eye

Your mother pauses for a moment too long and you already knew what her answer would be "...No honey, I don't think that's a good idea..."

"Yeah...Okay" You slump back against your headboard

You've already been inside for nearly 8 weeks, couldn't she give you a break already?

Once you heard the front door slam shut you got up from your back-aching position and moved towards the kitchen.

You paused when you heard the front door open again. Perhaps your mother forgot something and was coming back to get it.

But once you heard a low cough, it was game over.

Your eyes widened as you dashed up the stairs to your room.

Through the adrenaline rush, you missed someone call for you.

You dove under the covers and blindly tried to find your phone, cursing yourself when you realised you left it downstairs.

You were screwed, you didn't want to die, you were too young to die.

The door to your room creaked open and you whimpered slightly.

Great, you were gonna die without telling Jack that it was you who stole all his m&m's

You feel the bed dip slightly and you gasp loudly when a body falls flat on yours, a hand pulls the cover away from your head.

"Who are we hiding from?" The voice asks playfully, you screech, pushing the person off of you.

"Jack, what the hell?" You exclaim, you crane your head and notice Jack rubbing at his forehead "Jack...?" You shuffle closer, noses practically touching.

You noticed Jack grin, his hand moving to grip your waist and pulling you underneath him.

"Hmmm, I like you like this" He comments

"Such a horndog" You scoff, pushing playfully at his chest "How did you get in here?" 

"Let's just say, your mother needs to start remembering to lock front doors" You stared at him incredulously and he chuckles "I'm kidding, I used the spare key"

You clicked your tongue "Should've never showed you where it was, especially if you were using it to scare me"

"Scare you?" Jack cocks his head to the side "Didn't mean to scare you, wasn't my intention, sorry babe" 

"It's alright...babe" Jack blushes at the nickname, his head falling to your shoulder


Both of you were cuddled up, watching a movie, when you heard the front door open.

"I'm home" You mother calls from downstairs "Why is the spare key on the counter, Y/n is someone here?"

"Quick!" You whisper, gently pushing Jack off the bed and out onto your balcony

"Why didn't I just climb up the tree..." Jack murmurs to himself

"I don't know, but you gotta get outta here, quickly, before my mother finds you" You reply

"It's like we're Romeo and Juliet" Jack grins

"Without the death I hope" You chuckle, you watch as Jack climbs onto the closest branch "Hey Jack" You grip the railing of the balcony, heart pace picking up

"Yeah?" Jack looks up to face you, hand holding onto the branch just above him

"I-i love you" You look into his eyes and notice his cheeks going a slight shade of pink

"I love you too..." He responds, climbing closer to the edge of the balcony and you do the same.

His face was inches from yours, his eyes slowly closing

"Y/n! What the hell is going on?!" Your mother exclaims, a few feet behind you

"Go Jack!" You screech, you watch as Jack descended from the tree and ran off down the street

You turn to see your unimpressed mother, her hands resting firmly on her hips and her eyebrow cocked upwards

You give her an awkward smile, following it up with a "Welcome home mom?"

Jack Dylan Grazer and character imagines *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*Where stories live. Discover now