🌈Princess (Freddy) Pt 2

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After an eight hour flight from London to Philadelphia you finally turn your phone on.

"Holy shit" You laugh

"What?" Billy asks, craning his neck to see what you're laughing at

"Never thought my parents would message me this many times, and the one time I disappear I've suddenly got like 3000 messages" You show your phone to Billy, who looks away awkwardly

"It's times like these where I wish Freddy wouldn't run his mouth so much, your parents might have the secret service looking for you already" Billy rubs his arm, looking around.

"Chill out, Billy Boy" you pat his shoulder, picking up your suitcase and dragging it behind you

"Let me-" billy tries to grab your bag but you yank it away

"I've got it" you state calmly "Besides this is going to be the first time I ever carry something without my parents worrying I'll break a nail"

"Alright" Billy moves his arm so it's by his side

"Now...How are we going to do this?" You ask

Billy gestures to himself before replying with "I'm a superhero or did you forget?"

"Technically you're not a superhero right now, unless 15 year old you can fly" You retort

"Haha, very funny" Billy says sarcastically "Just wait here, I'll be back in a minute"

You nod, standing out the front of the airport, pulling the cap you stole from Billy down to conceal your face. You look up slightly and notice men dressed like bodyguards standing around.

A tap on the shoulder caused you to jump and you turn to see Billy standing there.

"Let's go, princess" Billy says, putting his hand on your shoulder and guiding you the other way

"Hey! Hey stop right there!" a deep voice says

Without another word Billy grabs you by the legs and moves you so your on his back.

"Put me down!" You screech

"Hold on" Billy starts running and within seconds your in the air

"Could've warned me!" You exclaim, hitting his shoulder roughly

"Ow! Hey!" Billy whines "What was I supposed to do? Let security drag you back to London?"

"Good point..." You sigh, relaxing slightly "I'm gonna kick Freddy's ass"

"Allow me to assist you" Billy laughs


Billy lands safely on the ground a few minutes later, you fell on your hands and knees, kissing the ground

"Sweet ground, how I've missed you" You sigh in relief

Billy stops mid-step, clutching his backpack tightly

"Uh don't want to break your reunion with the ground but we have to save my useless brother from getting a suitcase wedgie" Billy says awkwardly, clearing his throat

"Oh yeah" you stand up and brush the dirt off your blue dress "The things I do for that boy..."

Billy checks his watch his eyes widening slightly "We gotta be quick lunch is about to end"

You nod, running up the stairs behind Billy, sneaking past the security guard. You turn a few corners and notice a large group of people surrounding a table

"That must be where Freddy is" Billy murmurs

Your heart jumps to its throat when the bell rings

"Hide behind me" Billy hisses, pushing you into a wall and standing in front of you

"God, Billy you need to shower" You gag

"Where's the Princess, Freeman?" A voice sneers

"I-i uhh" Freddy stammered, trying to think of an excuse

"Then you're gonna love this" Another voice says

"H-hey! T-that-" You hear their footsteps getting closer, you peek your head over Billys shoulder and notice the hallway packed with people ready to witness yet another suitcase wedgie being delivered to Freddy

"Guys this isn't necessary" Billy tries to reason, stepping out from behind the pillar

"He lies, we keep our promise" A bully states

"No, no you see" You tsk, keeping your head up, pushing past Billy "He didn't lie, so the suitcase wedgie won't be necessary, gentlemen" You stand in the middle of the hallway, hands resting on your stomach

The hallway goes deathly silent, everyone stares at you with wide eyes.

"Now, if you will, gentlemen, let him go" You speak, smirking slightly when the bullies let go of Freddy and back away with their hands held up in the air

"S-sure thing, Princess!" They stutter, quickly turning away and rushing off

A large number of black cars pull up and you sigh as the same men from earlier slam the car door shut and walk in your direction.

"Gentlemen!" You put on a fake smile "To what do I owe the pleasure"

"Your mother and father have been worried sick" One of the men explains

"Oh" You sigh "Well they shouldn't be. I left them a note on my bed"

"They want you home, right now" 

"Could you please give me a minute" The man ponders it and nods "Thanks" You quickly rush over to Freddy

"The next time you pull something like that, I will not come all the way over here to save your ass and you'll have to endure the suitcase wedgie" Freddy lowers his head and nods guiltily "Hey, look at me" He looks up slightly and you smile softly 

"You have really pretty eyes" You whisper, standing on your tip-toes and pressing your lips gently to his, your arms circling his neck as you push him closer to you

You pull away, cheeks ablaze as you search his eyes.

"Be sure to come to London soon, babe" You call out, walking in between two guards 

"Love you!" You yell loud enough for him to hear, the door to the sleek black car slamming shut.

"He better be worth it" One of the guards sigh

"What do you mean?" You furrow your brows

"Your parents are not only worried to death but they're utterly furious at your sudden decision to run away, hope he's worth it" He explains

"Of course his is" You scoff, crossing your ams over your chest

"And why is that princess?" He asks

"Because he's the future leader of Great Britain" You state simply

And sure enough, 7 years later Freddy became your husband, father to your children.

And aged 30 he was no longer Freddy Freeman of Philadelphia.

He was Freddy Windsor, Prince Consort

And you were...Queen Y/n of Great Britain and other commonwealth realms.

Jack Dylan Grazer and character imagines *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*Where stories live. Discover now