Pregnancy, Freddy 🌈☁️

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- Let's be honest, most teen pregnancies aren't planned.

- It just...happened.

- You were definitely scared at the thought of growing a human inside of you.

- You were more scared at the thought of being forced into abandoning your child, you didn't want your child to end up in the foster care system.

- When telling Freddy, he was shocked (obvious)

- He swore you used protection and you had to remind him that protection can expire or snap.

- Either way, when he calms down from his mini panic attack, he promises that he'll help raise the baby


- *sigh* You know...The next time Billy decides to make a superhero squad, remind him not to make most of them kids who haven't been fully educated in the way of reproduction.

- Darla had no idea how you had a baby inside you.

- And Eugene....Well, he knew how babies were made, but he was very immature about it...

- Darla would spew out question after question, leaving you kinda shook.

- You and Freddy tried to explain that a baby can be made when two people love each other very much.

- Billy and Mary sorta stood there like..'Didn't we tell this dude to wear protection when he started seeing Y/n?'

- Pedro just doesn't really care, he's kinda chill with it as long as it doesn't bother him when he's trying to sleep.

- Overall, they're quite supportive.


- You and Freddy told your parents before Rosa and Victor.

- They're not angry per-se, more like very disappointed.

- They do kick you out, but it wasn't as aggressive as you assumed.

- Luckily you had parents that rarely get angry.

- You were upset that they kicked you out.

- But when you told Rosa and Victor they welcomed you in with open arms.

- They did lecture you and Freddy on being safe, but it didn't matter.

- However, you couldn't share a bed with Freddy.

- Instead you roomed up with Mary who was fine with it.


- Freddy and Darla accompanied you.

- Darla came because she was curious.

- You're about 7 weeks pregnant.

- Darla is kinda disappointed because she expected to see a full grown baby and not something the size of a blueberry.

- You got your ultrasound pictures printed off (and made sure to get a copy for Freddy to keep)

- Just know that even if Freddy isn't able to go to the ultrasound appointment Darla will always go.


- You were around 15 weeks when the bump was showing.

-  It was Mary that noticed it whilst she was getting dressed.

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