⛈ You're my first love, Freddy

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*Warning: This fanfiction includes a suicide, if you are upset or sensitive to this please click away, for anyone struggling with depression just know I'm always open to talk and that there are people that care about you, stay strong*

"Y/n!" Freddy exclaims grabbing your gloved hand in his "Where'd your dad go? He said he'd be with Billy, but Billy is currently fighting over there!" Freddy points to a struggling Billy attempting to ward off the villans goon.

Your dad, Clark aka Superman first met the Shazam family, he agreed that he'd help them in really difficult times

"He was here! I swear!" You exclaim

"I know and I believe you baby" Freddy cups your hands in his and leans his forehead on yours "I love you" You quickly kiss his cheek before flying off in search of your dad


The fight was getting dangerous, no matter how much power you and your father put into your hits, this villain wouldn't give

"Dad!" Your dad whirls himself you to "I'm so sorry, but there's only one way"

"Don't you dare Y/n" Your fathers eyes widen in realisation

"I have to, it's the only thing we can do to defeat him" You forcefully push your father into a wall knocking him down

You turn to face the villain who has a sick smirk on his face which soon drops when he sees a small outline of your body rush at his the impact sent him and you flying

"This is for trying to hurt my city" You stamp your foot on the ground and watch as it makes a crack around you and him "And this is for hurting my family" You jump on him before flying back to safety

"Y/n!" Freddy smiles limping a little over to you, you smile back and take a step forward.

However your smile drops as you feel the ground around you break under your weight giving out and letting you drop

"Y/n!!!" Freddy cries, jumping over to where you fell.

You let out a whimper as your body slams into the ground sending the ground around you flying into the air

"Y/n!" Oh god Y/n talk to me" Freddy flies down to your body and the rest of the family including your father come down as well

"Freddy, look at me" You feel a hot tear trickle down your face as you put of a weak smile "Everything is going to be okay" Your voice cracks as you talk 

"Please don't go" Freddy says "I need you"

"Freddy, I'm going to be okay, but just remember this" You beckon him closer to you and he complies "You're my first love, Freddy Freeman" Were your last words as you finally close your eyes 

"No...No! Y/n!" Freddy grabs your body, not caring how wrong it looked for a 20 something looking man in a blue skin tight suit holding a 15 year old girl in his arms "I love you!" He gasps out 

"Come back..." He says quietly into you "I can't live without you"


For the first few weeks, Freddy refused to come out of his room, refused to eat or drink, he just stared out of his window with a solemn look on his face.

"Freddy, buddy are you okay" Victor was shocked at Freddys sudden presence

"Y-yeah, just going for a walk..." Freddy mumbles

"I'll get Billy to come with you" Victor exclaims

"No, don't, I just want to be alone" Freddy smiles weakly before limping out the door


Freddy finally made it to the cemetery, he remembered where you were laid to rest and he followed the footpath.

When he saw your flower covered stone, he felt the tears well up in his eyes

"Hello my love" Freddy says as he struggles to kneel down, his hand touches the cold stone and it makes him realise that this is a reality


"Philadelphia teenage boy has been found hanging from a tree in the local cemetery, police believe this was a suicide but a few have their doubts, it you are a relative or know the family please contact the number below"

Jack Dylan Grazer and character imagines *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*Where stories live. Discover now