⛈🌈You idiot Eddie Kaspbrak!

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Warnings: Richie trying to kill Eddie (Not rlly)

They're 17 in this but it takes place in the first movie


As soon as Beverly called you and the rest of the Losers Club down to her apartment, you knew something was up. She never called you guys over, so it had to be pretty serious

"Thank god you guys came" Beverly rushes over to the group

"What's wrong Bev?" You ask placing your bike on the grass

"I need to show you guys something" She seemed scared

"What is it?" Ben looks between the losers club and then back at Bev

"More than we saw at the Quarry?" Richie pipes in

"Shut up! Just shut up Richie!" Eddie exclaims

"Ow!" Richie grabs the back of his head where you just striked him

"My dad will kill me if he finds out I had b-boys in the apartment" Bev admits and you let out a sigh of relief

"Thank god I'm a girl then"

"T-then w-we'll leave a lookout. R-r-richie s-stay here" Bill stutters

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what if her dad comes back" Richie remains seated whilst the rest of the Losers get up and start running to the staircase

"Do what you always do, start talking" Stan says before rushing up the stairs

"It is a gift" Richie sighs

Soon the Losers Club and you made it into the apartment, Bev leading the way as she walked down the long hallway to a door at the end.

"In there" She murmurs

"What is it?" Stan questions

"You'll see" She replies

"A-are you taking us to your bathroom? I just want you to know that 89% of the worst accidents in homes are caused in bathrooms..." Eddie says "A-and, I mean that's where all the fungi and bacteria are, and it's really not a sanitary place"

"Eddie" you hiss quietly, taking his hand in yours "Shh"

Bill slowly walks in front of the group and opens the door, Eddies whimpering drowns out everyones noise of disgust.

You cocked an eyebrow at Bev

"Is this some sort of joke?" You whisper to her "Cause if so, very funny guys"

"Y-yeah, I don't see anything" Eddie says

"What do you mean you guys don't see anything, there's literally blood painting the whole fucking room" Bev exclaims shocked

"Blood? I don't see blood" You stepped into the room, looking at the poorly painted room with cracks that went halfway down the walls

"You're standing in it!" Bev exclaims shocked and you jump back

"Do any of you see it?" Bev asks and the Losers club nod

"What happened in here?" Stan asks

"My dad couldn't see it, I thought I might be crazy" Bev explains 

"Then why can't me and Eddie see it?" You wonder

"Well if you're crazy, than most of us here are too" Ben says

"I'll get the buckets" You sigh, turning on your heel and walking to the kitchen

"M-me too" Eddie rushes to your side


It took nearly two hours until the bathroom in their words was 'spotless'

"No I love being your personal doorman, really." Richie rides up in front of the rest of the Losers "Could you idiots have taken any longer?"

"All right shut up Richie" Eddie says

"Yeah, shut up, Richie" Stan adds

"Oh okay, trash the trashmouth, I get it. Hey I wasn't the one scrubbing the bathroom floor and imagining her sink went all Eddies moms vagina on Halloween."

"She didn't imagine it" Bill looks sideways as he speaks "I....I s-saw something too" He stops 

"You saw blood too?" Stan asks

"Not blood, I saw Georgie. It seemed so real" Everyone turned to look at Bill "I mean it seemed like him, but there was this..."

"The clown" Eddie says "Yeah, I saw him too"

Everyone looked at each individual who nodded

"Wait can only Virgins see this stuff? Is that why I'm not seeing this shit?" Richie butts in

"Impossible, I saw the clown" Eddie repeats, your mind rushes back to when your fear jumped out at you, only to morph into this disgusting clown.

"Yeah I saw the clown too" You admit

"Wait....What?!" Richie screeches "What do you mean 'impossible'?!"

"I mean by- oh....Shit" Eddie begins to say before cutting himself off

"Eddie Fucking Kaspbrak! You have three seconds to ride away before I knock your head off your shoulders" Richie says lowly, Eddie didn't need to be told twice and quickly starts peddling home, with Richie hot on his tracks

"Wait, what does he mean?" Ben asks scratching his head

"It means-" Beverly starts, but gets cut off by Bill

"N-nothing! I-it means nothing..." Bill quickly covers up

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