☁️🌈Mutual Affection, Eddie

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SUMMARY: You are Richie's twin sister and your best friend Eddie confides in you about his affection for your brother

Warnings: This isn't a romantic Eddie x Reader however it is mentioned that the reader is in a relationship with Bill (1990 bill or 2017 bill), also underage smoking

You knew that look from anywhere, it was a look that you'd seen Ben give Beverly when she wasn't looking and the same look both you and Bill gave each other.

You were suspicious of their relationship from the start. Perhaps it was the lingering touches or looks they gave each other, or perhaps it was the fact that they both seemed to run to each other when one of their lives were in danger.

Either way, you were probably the only person in the Losers Club who actually noticed these small things.

But that was all soon confirmed when Eddie had asked you to meet him at the park. And it made it more blatantly obvious when you passed your brother on the way out of the house and saw the way he shook with jealousy.

"Whatsup Eddie Spaghetti?" You ask, sitting beside him on the slightly chipped green bench

"I need your help with something...Someone" He corrects himself and fiddles with the puffer in his hands

"Yeah of course, you know i'm always up for helping my best friend" You bump your shoulder with his and he smiles softly looking down at his swinging feet

 "How did you know Bill liked you?" He says quickly, eyes squeezed shut

You chuckle slightly and look at him "Could you please repeat that spaghetti?"

"I said.." He takes a quick puff before continuing "How...How did you know Bill liked you?"

"Well" You suck in a breath through your teeth and think back "If i'm being honest all I really knew for certain was that he treated me differently compared to how he treats you guys, but it was a dead giveaway when he asked me to prom"

Eddie furrowed his brows, seeming unhappy with your answer and you sighed.

"You know.." You pulled a pack of cigarettes from your- Bills- jacket and lit a cigarette "Everybody has a different way of showing affection. Take Ben and Beverly" Eddie snaps his head towards you with his eyes the size of saucers 

"They're dating?!" Eddie exclaims

"No they're not dating" You roll your eyes "But Ben has feelings for Beverly and will show that through writing her anonymous poems. Bill and I both love each other and so we show that by always holding each other. However, I'm not my brother-"

"How did yo-"

"Shh let me speak" You place a finger over his lips "I'm not my brother so I don't know how he shows affection, though I do know for certain that he really likes you"

"How do you know he likes me?" He asks softly

"Well, it's the way he looks at you, like you're the most important person in his life, or when he embraces you it's always held for a few seconds too long and always ends with him stuttering or blushing" You take a long drag before laughing softly "And because when you asked me to the park he looked as if he was going to decapitate me"

"H-he did?" Eddie gapes

"Yeah, I've never seen him shake with jealousy before, it was quite amusing" You chuckle "But for real, if you have feelings for my brother go for it, I know he likes you" You give him a comforting squeeze on the shoulder and help him up from the bench

"Want an ice-cream?" Eddie stops you in your tracks

"Only if you're buying" You grin, racing him down to the ice-cream parlour


"Oh, t-there you a-are Y/n, I t-thought we were h-hanging out t-today" Bill stands from the couch in your living room and gives you a quick kiss on the lips

"Don't worry babe, we're hanging out" You give him a smirk "But I had to help Eddie with something" You lower your voice so that only Bill could hear

"W-with w-what?" Bill asks and you nod your head towards your brothers direction who seemed too busy with the comic he was reading

"You'll see" You grin, taking Bills hand and slowly walking away from the living room and over to the staircase which faced the front door

Eddie opened the flyscreen door, he was nervous, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead.

You gave him a big smile and a thumbs up, and he smiled back.

"Richie" Eddie cleared his throat and you heard Richie's comic close and land on the wooden coffee table "I need to talk to you"

"Sure spaghetti, whatsup?" Richie shuffled on the couch, giving Eddie space to sit down

Eddie seemed to falter with his words, but then remembered what you said.

If you have feelings for my brother go for it, I know he likes you.

Eddie took a deep breath and you squealed quietly when you heard Richies muffled gasp. Bill peeked past the wall and his eyes widened, he turned back to look at you, trying to string a sentence together.

"Lets go lover boy time to give those lovebirds some time alone" You take his hand and drag him up towards your bedroom, shutting the door gently with a click.

Jack Dylan Grazer and character imagines *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*Where stories live. Discover now