🌈Your Prom Night...

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Everyone be upped to 17*


When Prom season came around it was no secret that Jack would ask you, I mean you guys are dating.

When the night finally came, he looked at you with absolute love and admiration.

Your mother really did pull out all the stops for your dress and you went to the dance with Jack wearing a simple calf length blue dress which had small flowers embroidered on the bodice

"You wore my favourite colour on your dress" Jack murmurs while you two were slow dancing

"Of course I did babe,  I love you and I wanted to wear something that you love during a special night" You giggle and he smiles softly

"This won't be the only special night we have together, I promise you" You look at Jack and feel your cheeks heat up

"Hold your horses lover boy, we are still young so lets live it" You lean in and place your head on his shoulder and he pulls you closer


Originally nobody asked you to prom, I mean, being the twin sister of the Richie Tozier had it's downs.

And that included making friends and going to dances.

But even though nobody asked you, you still went alone.

You being a lover of traditions decided to wear your great grandmothers prom dress since the 80s frocks with their puffy sleeves, crazy hot colours and strange designs made you look more like a balloon than a student trying to enjoy prom. 

You and a few sparse people had the same idea and decided to follow the more traditional route and wear something older and more simplistic

All of their losers clubs jaws dropped at the sight of you, not including your brother who simply scrunched his face up and muttered a quick 'hey sis'

You calmly sat down between Bev and Eddie, turning away momentarily to grab a small handful of chips from the bowl behind you.

You started up a conversation with Bev talking about how lame the dance was and that the Quarry would be in your brothers words "more funner".

Eventually when a slow song started up, Eddie who was dressed in a white frilly dress shirt, black pants, pomegranate coloured jacket and converse, tapped your shoulder

"D-do you um wanna dance with me?" You smile your famous smile and nod, standing up and taking his hand in yours whilst he led you to the dance floor.

As soon as you stopped on the dance floor, his hands met your waist, pulling you closer and your arms wrap around his neck.

"You're a really good dancer" You mumble, resting your head on his shoulder and his rests on your head

"Thanks, you are too" He replies .

Richie watched with eyes the size of saucers and he quickly asks the first girl that walked past him to dance, she agreed for some reason and they both moved so that they were dancing next to you and Eddie.

"Eddie? We have company" Eddie looks up and sees your brother glaring daggers at him.

Eddie seemed to ponder for a moment before leaning over to Richie and the random girl

"Looks like I did save those birth control pills for your sister" He smirks and quickly waltzes you away before Richie could put his head on a pike.


It took Freddy weeks to finally pluck up the courage to ask you to prom.

Both of you being best friends, maybe more than that, it seemed obvious that Freddy would ask you.

You texted Freddy, telling him that you'd arrive late since traffic was bad and your mom was having a hard time finding the school.

You both didn't go to the same school, since you were homeschooled.

But you knew the foster family because Rosa and your mom were best friends.

"Love you sweetie and have fun" She blows you a quick kiss and you watch as she drives off.

You walked up the steps of the school, completely in awe at the architecture.

Soon enough you found yourself in the hall which was full of sweaty teenagers dancing and doing what they do best.

You saw Billy leaning against the punch table, talking to a random girl and you quickly walk over to him

"Hey buddy" You clap him on the shoulder 

"Oh, Oh! Hey Y/n" Billy jumps a bit but soon calms down when he realised it's you

"Where's Freddy?" You ask

"He's over by one of the tables, the one where people are crowding around it. He sorta told everyone he has the most gorgeous date and nobody believes him, so they said they'd wait until 7:30 and then they'll call him a liar" Billy looks at his watch in horror "It's 7:45, you'd better hurry up and get to him" you quickly nod

"Nice dress by the way!" Billy calls as you push past people

7:47 blared back at you and you mentally slapped yourself

"You're nothing but a liar Freeman" a boy spits 

"Yeah, gorgeous my ass-"

"Hey baby" You push past the crowd casually and give him a quick hug "Sorry for the lateness bubba, traffic was really bad" 

You quickly lean in a give him a peck on his very red cheeks

"I hope these people weren't bothering you, because as your girlfriend I cannot bear anyone upsetting you" You whisper into his ear, glaring at everyone who seemed to have their jaws on the floor "Wanna dance" You pipe up and Freddy nods quickly

"'Scuse me losers, I've got a dance with my boyfriend" you take Freddys hand and walk with him to the centre of the dance floor.

Billy quickly walked up and took Freddy's crutch, helping him lean on you as support and then he walks to the sideline.

"Thanks for coming Y/n" Freddy says, holding you tightly so his bad leg doesn't give out

"No problem hon, I'd do anything for my boyfriend" You chuckle 

"W-wait, you'd be my girlfriend?" Freddy pulls back a bit to look at you but quickly loses his balance. Without any hesitation, you grab his waist and heave him back so that you're eye level, the hand that fell from his waist moved to rest on his shoulder

"You good?" You whisper into his ear and he nods

"Thanks Y/n" He mumbles 

"'Course" You smile, turning to face Freddy, you started dancing again, this time you don't let him let go of you

Jack Dylan Grazer and character imagines *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*Where stories live. Discover now