🌈 What happens during the first date...

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During your first date, Jack took you skateboarding through L.A.

You both laughed when riding past bickering couples, hoping to god you won't turn out to be like that.

Eventually when you stopped at a nearby beach, both of you sat on the soft sand, hands intertwined together as you talked about anything that came to mind.

 but at the end of the day you both went home in the same direction hand in hand knowing that you two were meant to be.


Through his mothers strong protests, Eddie took you to an ice-cream shop.

Even though baby boy doesn't like to constantly be touched, for some reason you were an exception.

Maybe it was because you related him with the whole overprotective parent situation, though yours wasn't as extreme as his.

But after enjoying your ice-cream, you walked to the park hand in hand just basking in each others company.

At the end of the day, you'd be the one to walk him to his house, giving him a quick peck on the cheek and a hug, before walking down the street to your house.


Sooo, a lot of things went down during your first date.

Freddy being the cute nerdy boy you love, took you to his favourite comic book store.

Which later on in life, became your favourite.

Eventually while sitting at the back of the store, enjoying the comics that were laid out in front of you.

You'd start up a conversation on superheros.

Both of you had great taste in superhero choices.

And then he asked who your secret favourite superhero was

"Well if I told you, it wouldn't be much of a secret" You giggle, sifting through the comic you were currently reading

"I promise I won't hate you" He chuckles

"I think you might know him because he protects Philadelphia with the other superhero clan, but it's gotta be Shazam Jr, I mean there's something about him that makes him so cool and stuff. Like I'd love to meet him in person, but he must be a really busy guy ya know with both a superhero life and civilian life" You reply

Freddy simple sat there, shocked that you liked him! You were his favourite superhero

"I-i like him too" Freddy stutters

Just as he was about to open his mouth to start talking about something else, a loud explosion ripped through the street and he grabbed onto a bookcase and hauled himself up, grabbing his crutch

"F-freddy?" You grab his hand, and he turns to look at you

Freddy knew he couldn't just leave you there

"Come with me" He finally says, and you nod following him out of the store and into an alleyway

"what are we doing here?" You whisper but he shushes you and hands you his crutch "Why are you giving me your crutch, you need it!" You exclaim both shocked and confused

"Promise me you won't freak out and that you'll stay here" You raise an eyebrow but nod anyway "Good"

"Shazam!" And with that a bright light rips through the area and you shield you eyes from it.

When you finally focused your eyes, someone who wasn't Freddy was now standing there

"W-where'd Freddy-"

"I'm right here" The man in the blue suit says

"N-no.." you look at him, sure there were a few similarities but he can't be Freddy, your date was 15 and had a crutch which was currently in your arms

"Believe me Y/n" You nod slowly and he smiles "This date isn't over yet" And with that he flies off.

You just went on a date with a superhero...

Jack Dylan Grazer and character imagines *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*Where stories live. Discover now