☁️Goblin Masquerade, Freddy

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Billy stupidly wishes Darla away to the Goblin King and it's up to the rest of the family to get to the castle beyond the goblin city before the thirteenth hour...But where has Freddy gone?

"Maybe we should-" Eugene starts before being suddenly cut off

"I swear to god, Eugene, if you say one more time that we should try transforming I'll throw you into that bog myself" She pauses for a moment before rounding on Billy; "You know, if you didn't stupidly wish Darla away to the Goblin King than none of this would be happening, perhaps I should throw you into the bog instead"

"Oh my god can you just not? I know it's my fault, how many more times do I need to apologise until you realise that I really truly am sorry-"


"I mean can you blame me? She's always following me around asking to play pretend tea parties and unicorns.."


"Could it hurt her to stop pestering me for once second?!"

"Oh you little-!"


"What?!" Billy and Mary shout, whirling on Pedro who stood a few feet away who seemed to be looking around in confusion

"Freddy's gone" He states, gesturing around to the group

"Great!" Mary exclaims, her hands smacking against her jeans as she throws her head back and lets out an exasperated scream "So not only have we had Darla get wished away- Don't start Billy- but we've also lost Freddy to this damn maze! Could this day get any worse?"

"Look!" Eugene points forward 

"What...Is that?" Mary takes a step towards it "Oh my gosh! Freddy!" She yells, running towards the crystal ball "Freddy's in there!"


Freddy had never been in such an extravagant room before. In fact, he couldn't even recall how he got there. 

The room was crowded to the point where it would be more than impossible to traverse across to the other side, and he groaned at the thought that his crutch probably wouldn't make it any better.

"What a handsome boy!" A woman in a strange mask exclaims, grasping onto his wrist and dragging him to what he deduced to be the dance floor "Oh I couldn't help myself dear boy, you just looked so so lonelyOh I couldn't help myself dear boy, you just looked so so lonely..." She arches her shoulders backwards, pushing her assets towards him and he grimaces, but can do not much else as she continues to whisk him around the room in a dramatic whirl

His eyes, however, scan the room, hoping to find anyone he'd perhaps recognise. Maybe Mary or Billy were also here, but something told him that it he was alone. A flourish of navy blue fabrics catches his eye and he does a double take at the young woman who glides past him, her eyes locking with his for a moment before she tsks and disappears

"Excuse me" He says, patting his dancing partners arm and pulling away as he aimlessly follows where the girl disappeared, hoping that it wouldn't be too late to catch yet another look. And it was only then that he realised that his crutch was gone and his leg wasn't causing him any trouble

"Standing there all alone and looking like a lost lamb will get you in quite a bit of trouble.." He jumps at the sudden voice beside his ear "Looking for someone?" Your head cocks to the side and you give him a sly smile

He nods wordlessly, his eyes transfixed on you whilst his brain runs a mile a minute as he tries to decipher why you look so familiar "Careful little lamb, wouldn't want you to get lost from your family."


Freddy blinks and its like all the vibrant colours that painted the room washed away right in front of his eyes and instead he was met with the starry night sky and his family looking at him worriedly 

"Where were you?!" Mary exclaims, rushing towards Freddy and helping him up from the stony floor 

"I-" But Freddy doesn't know how to respond to that question because he doesn't know where he was

"Oh never mind, we need to find Darla"


 Hey!" A voice exclaims, startling Freddy out of his stupor, he yelps and slams his locker door shut "You look like shit"

"Ha ha thanks Y/n" He says sarcastically "What do you want?"

"Well you have been standing at your locker for the past five minutes just staring into it, thought you might need me rescuing you" You respond, your shoulder bumping against the other locker as you eye him up and down "I am serious though, you look like shit. I can't imagine how much stress you and your family felt when Darla went missing"

"Yeah it was very- Wait...How did you know Darla went missing? She wasn't gone long enough for word to spread that far."

"Oh my dear Freddy a little lamb such as yourself shouldn't ask so many questions" You smirk, your body moving closer to his until your foreheads were nearly touching "It could get you into trouble.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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