Halloween Contest 🌈

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It was the annual Halloween Costume hosted at Fawcett Central, everyone always looked forward to this time of year, especially Freddy, it always gave him a chance to dress up as his newest favourite superhero and be someone he wasn't for just one night.

Passing through the hallway, the family of superheroes stop at the poster taped to the wall and stare.

"I'm so excited!" Darla exclaims, jumping on the balls of her feet as she clings to Billy's hand tightly "Rosa said I can finally go! I already have so many plans for who i'm going as"

"That's great Darla" A voice says from behind and everyone turns just in time to see you pat the young girls hair, being careful not hurt her head with your rings "I'm positive you'll have a fantastic costume" You walk away before she could reply

"Thanks Y/n!" Darla calls back, her grin widening 

"I didn't know you knew Y/n" Eugene comments, as the family start walking towards the exit

"Sure I do, she offers to buy me lunch when I forget, and sometimes helps me with my homework. Did you know she really likes literature?"

"Y/n likes Literature?" Mary butts in and Darla nods

"Yeah, she says her favourite books are crime, but from what i've seen I think romance books are her favourite" Darla adjusts the strap on her bag and hops down the concrete stairs "But every time I try asking her about it she denies it"

"I never knew this" Freddy finally piped up after minutes of being silent 

"Well I don't have to tell you guys everything" Darla shrugs "Anyway, I was thinking maybe going as..."


"Did you know Y/n hung out with Darla?" Freddy asked Mary who shook her head in response

"No, I was just in the dark as you guys are. Darla doesn't usually tell us about her friends, so i'm guessing she maybe considers Y/n as one?" Freddy hummed in agreement and Mary smirked slightly, pushing a few strands from her face "Good thing too. Considering that you like Y/n and all"

"Yeah- wait, what? How did you know?" Freddy squeaks and Mary chuckles, patting her brother on the shoulder

"It's pretty obvious, Freddy, lingering stares, basically in a dreamlike state when you watch her. It can be a little creepy sometimes"

"Oh..." Freddy cringes slightly

"Anyway, do you have any ideas on what you're going as?" Mary asks,

"I was kind of thinking about going as Batman-"

"Again? You went as him last year" Mary states, swinging her feet back and forth

"I know, but remember we did meet him just a few weeks ago. Besides, last years costume was just one from a halloween store. But the batman offered to send me one and I couldn't turn him down" Freddy explained, his eyes landing on the clock tower which struck midnight "We've been patrolling for a few hours and it seems like nobody needs our help tonight, we best be getting home"


It was the night of the halloween contest and everyone in the Vasquez household was practically bouncing with excitement. 

Darla was adjusting the hood of her raven costume "Rosa spent forever on this" She says

"Well it took me over a week to find the perfect monocle" Pedro replies "All halloween store workers looked at me like an idiot when I asked them if they had a penguin costume"

"You think that's hard? Most of them didn't know who the Scarecrow is" Mary grumbled "This mask is super scratchy"

"Well at least I chose someone who everyone knows" Eugene smirked "The Joker definitely has style. Do you guys think the purple jacket suits me?"

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