Locker Love Notes

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SUMMARY: A few days after breaking Brett's arm a letter appears in your locker...

"I swear to god Ms Allen has something against me" You groan, putting the code into your locker and swinging the metal door open, a small envelope slides from the locker and lands at your feet "What the..." Your voice trails off as you lean down and pluck the envelope off the floor

"What is it, Y/n?" Freddy asks, closing his locker and walking towards you

"I...I don't know" You respond earnestly, placing the envelope in your jumper pocket and putting your books away "I'll read it when I get home" Freddy nods in understanding and bids you a goodbye, walking out of the school with Billy


You place your bag at the foot of the bed, sliding your shoes and socks off you sigh in bliss at the cool air hitting your feet.

"Y/n?" The voice of your father says from downstairs "Dinner will be ready in five minutes"

"Okay dad!" You call back, unzipping your bag and pulling out your homework book, the envelope slides onto the ground "Oh yeah, the letter" You pick the letter from the carpeted floor and sit down on the desk chair

You look at the envelope for a few moments, turning it in your fingers and reading the fancy but messy lettering of your name on the front of it. Ripping it open, you pull out the piece of paper and unfold it, smoothing down the wrinkles

Dear Y/n, you have been all I can think about for the past week! Your beauty could match that of Aphrodite herself. Love, your secret admirer

Your eyes skimmed over the letter, over and over again until you heard your father finally call you down for dinner. You dropped the letter onto your desk and got up, practically running down the stairs and into one of the available chairs.

"Whoa speeder, didn't know you were that hungry" Your father chuckles, placing down the pot of spaghetti bolognese in the centre of the table, he walks back into the kitchen for a few moments to pull off the apron littered with hearts

"Just had to get away from homework" You chuckle nervously, lifting the heavy pot with ease and moving it closer to you so you could pile your plate with your fathers signature dish

Your father's brow raised in suspicion "You rarely do homework..." Your eyes widen as you tried to make up yet another lie but your father cut you off "What's really going on? And be honest"

"I-" You slumped against your chair, sighing in defeat "I got some love letter in my locker today, and I just read it"

The plate of garlic bread in his hand suddenly snaps, and you watched in alarm as the shards of plate and the garlic bread crumbled to the ground "Dad!" You exclaim, his muscular figure disappearing up the stairs before returning moments later with said letter gripped tightly in his hands "Calm down!"

Your fathers frantic eyes meet yours after he read the letter "There is no way in hell I'm letting my daughter get into a relationship at sixteen"

"Dad! I don't even know who they are" You pause for a moment, chewing on your bottom lip before adding "And besides...I don't really have a crush on anyone" Your fathers tense figure relaxes slightly

"I believe you" You smile softly "I just don't want you growing up so quickly"

"Don't worry dad" You chuckle "I have no interest in that kind of stuff at the moment"


"And then I said- what in the hell..." Your eyes widen when you open your locker

Freddy laughs "I knew you were rebellious but I didn't think you'd say that to a- what the fuck?!" His eyes also widen when he sees what you were looking at "How the fuck did someone get a bouquet of roses into your locker?"

"Fuck if I know" You reply, hands gripping onto the roses and pulling them out of the metal box 

"They look fresh.." You mutter "Like they were recently brought...Perhaps recently put in here"

"Ooooh looks like someone has a stalker" You whip your head in the direction, seeing Burke snicker, his brothers gaze looking at the floor, the hand that wasn't in a cast was clutching onto his bag strap tightly and you cocked your head to the side in confusion

Brett always had something snarky to say to you, but instead he was deathly quiet.


Your father, who was busy fixing up the fence suddenly dropped the hammer onto his foot, the wooden handle splitting in the middle.

"What the hell?" His eyes zero in on the roses which you were clutching in your grip tightly, cheeks red in embarrassment "This guy must really be into you"

"If only I knew who it was..." you muttered, studying the roses "It would give me a chance to tell them that I'm not interested"

"You're a smart girl" Your father pats your shoulder gently "I'm sure you'll figure it out"


You were sitting in class when you had the sudden need to go to the bathroom "Ms Jackson?" You raise your hand

"Yes Miss Kent" She pushes her glasses up the bridge of your nose and studies you from behind her desk

"May I please go to the bathroom?" You drop your hand into your lap

"Be quick" She gestures for you to leave and you smile, your chair scraping against the ground as you dash out of the room

You were turning a corner in the hallway when you backtracked, stopping in the end of the hallway. Your brows furrow as you make out someone in a leather jacket unlocking your locker and placing something inside. What it was, though, you didn't know.

The person in question closed your locker and you noticed a flash of a cast as they put the lock back on and turned in your direction, only to stop, their eyes widening when they saw you.

"Y/n" The person's cheeks go a pink tinge, realising they'd been caught


Jack Dylan Grazer and character imagines *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*Where stories live. Discover now