10: I Could Drop You Home

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Wrapping up the lesson, I quickly walked out the college doors, heading in the direction of the bus stop - which was a good 15 minute walk away. But before I could leave the polished concrete staircase, the muddy ground in front of me halted my steps. Just like that, droplets of rain splashed the atmosphere. Right now?! Seriously!? I pulled out my phone, checking the weather forecast. Still another 3 hours till the rain was going to stop. I can't wait here that long...

I rummaged through my bag, in search of the umbrella, only to find out I forgot that too.

Out of nowhere, a lime green BMW glided up in front of me. I glanced at the window, but the tint made it impossible to figure out who was inside. I inched a few steps towards the right, only for the vehicle to echo my movement. To the left, and repeat. Before I could freak out, the window lowered. Vihaan?

"It's raining really hard right?" he started. I sensed a hint of reluctance in his voice - which only made me more irritated.

I looked down at him in disbelief. "Really?! I didn't even notice."

Ignoring the sarcasm, he continued. "Well...do you have anywhere to be?"

"Probably my house?"

"I could drop you," he started. "I mean, if you need me to."

"No thank you." I stepped back a foot. First you ignore me all day and now you want to drop me home?

"That's what this is about?"

My eyes widened as I realized I mumbled that out loud. "N-no."

Suddenly, he ducked his head under the window, as if avoiding someone. As my eyebrows scrunched in confusion, I began to turn around, only for him to shout. "No! Don't turn around. Just get in the car."


He silenced me immediately. "Open the darn door and sit inside quickly!"

His panicked behavior startled me into doing what he said. As soon as I sat on the leather seat of his lime green BMW, he rolled the window back up. "W-who was there? Who are we running from?"

Seeing my terror filled expression, he slowly began driving, easing back into his normal personality. "You talk too much, you know that?" I looked at him in disbelief, while he kept scanning the road in front of him. Idiot pranked me.

"I talk too much!? I'm trying to be cautious of who I'm with."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I thought you were smart. Can't even make out the meaning of that?"

"You know what, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I tried talking to you. My bad."

A short silence followed. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. His eyes were trained ahead, his posture relaxed.

I averted my eyes to focus on ahead. I need to tell him my address. But I'm not talking first. But he's not less stubborn - he'll take me in circles all day if he has to but he won't open his mouth. I need to get home as well or Ma will get worried. But why should I talk first? Ugh!


I took a quick look at Jiya; a hysteric look was clearly visible on her face. She's clearly not going to tell me first. I guess I'll have to take the lead this time.


She looked at me shocked, not speaking a word. "I asked you for your address, not your phone number. Just answer the question."


"Okay then. We'll just go to the place I stay at. I'm sure Vicky and his parents won't mind."

"Mayur Colony Residentials"

I let out a wry smile as she glared at me. I could have swore I also heard a 'I-don't-know-why-I'm-even-trusting-you', but I let that slide. The next few minutes passed in silence; yet she couldn't sit still. Is she really that scared?

"I need to make a quick stop on the way. Do you mind?"

Her mouth chanted murmurs, which I could clearly hear. "Ma warned me against these types of people. I should have ignored the stupid car. Now what? I'm either going to be kidnapped or dropped home safely. And circumstances show the former is likely going to happen..."

Her nervousness was reasonable. "...what kind of person has a green car in the first place?"

This statement made me frown. "Hey what's wrong with the color? Do you know how much money it took? I had to custom change it!"

"Yeah who spends valuable money changing car colors?!"

Her nerves are making her go insane. Deciding to keep that thought to myself, I continued paying attention to the road. After a while, I brought the car to a gentle halt. Turning around, I noticed she clutched her eyes shut the whole time. 

"You can open your eyes." I rolled down the windows.

"No!" But saying that, she peeped her eyes open a bit. "WHERE HAVE YOU BROUGHT ME--"

The words immediately ceased, as a refreshing gust of wind blew through the windows. My eyes watched her glances of curiosity, glances of wonder, glances of interest. Perhaps it was the magic of the outskirts; the alluring atmosphere of tranquility and stillness.

"I come here often...whenever the city life gets overwhelming."

"It's...beautiful," she says, seeming to forget who she's talking to.

And we stayed like that. Seated inside the car, windows rolled down, absorbing the sight around us. The twinkling rain accompanying the lush green environment.

We finally pulled back in, resuming the trip back in silence. Finally, I pulled up in front of the apartment complex, watching her leap out of the car.

"Rate my service today, Miss?" I spoke, before she could run away.



"Next time don't intimidate your passengers to get in the car."

Next time... 


~ Why in the world would he do all that? ~

Varun Points: +2 

BUT, I would say the car ride stole the lead. Vihaan: +4

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