31: Terror Struck

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The door with the shiny gold label, CEO, stood closed from the distance I was speed-walking. Hastily, I flung it open, startling the man working at the grand desk. "Dad! I need an urgent half-day leave."

It was only recently that he got promoted to the chief executive officer position, making everyone proud -- including me. Things have been going so much better between me and my family, that I still remember the tears Vicky had when I finally moved out of his house to my own. "We lowkey live 20 minutes apart dude." I chuckled remembering the goodbye.

I'm a busy man, now that I'm back in my father's guidance. He didn't waste a minute after my graduation to give me an intern position in the company. But I like it here; the atmosphere and work.

"You could have told me about this 'half-day leave before the day started?" Dad rebuked while taking off his glasses. "You are interning at Globex Organics, Vihaan. Have some discipline."

"Please Dad! I'm in a rush!"

He paused for a minute, processing my words. "Wait a minute...is this about--"


"Well then, I guess--"

I took off sprinting, rushing by my desk to pick up my car keys.

"What's the rush, Vih?" my deskmate, aka lifesaver, inquired.

"September 15." I gave him a wink, which he replied with a shake of his head. "The bouquet arrived?"

"Yeah, pick it up at the front desk."

"Thanks bro," I nodded, rushing off.

"Elevator is under repair, use the stairs. DON'T TRIP."


His house was pitch dark when I was summoned inside by their guard. It had become a habit now, visiting his house frequently. Before I could take a step further, the lights came on and a whirlwind of confetti popped into the air. I looked around to see my mother, friends, and his parents. And then there was him, himself. Vihaan. I smiled as soon as I saw him, unable to contain it. Of course this was his idea.

"Happy birthday, beta," Mumma wished, giving me a hug and kiss on the forehead.

"Thanks Mumma," I responded. Vihaan's parents were next, giving me a big hug. I accepted the birthday wishes from my friends as well, finally reaching Vihaan.

"So much of a hurry that you ran out of work?" I gestured at his, now ruffled, formal button-up shirt and pants. "You look ridiculous." I straightened his collar. Before he could reply, Vicky - apparently eavesdropping - interrupted.

"Rather, so much of a hurry to meet your boyfriend Jiya, is it? So much so that you forgot about us." His puppy dog eyes and whiny tone was enough to make everyone laugh. "Well, finish up your business and cut the cake soon. I'm hungry."

And that was enough for Vihaan to pull me into an empty room.


How do I tell him? Start with an introduction?

"Thank you."

"With what?" he asked, pulling me closer. Everyone had left after enjoying the whole afternoon with dances and cake. Me and Vihaan were striding down a street in his neighborhood, enjoying the setting sun. What would happen if I just said it?

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