16: Trouble

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"Did you see the message? I apologized just like you said!" the voice shouted from behind, in the crowded hallway. I scowled at the turns of heads in my direction.

"Lower your voice!" I hissed, when Vihaan finally caught up to me. "And that message sounded more like insults not an apology."

I didn't even have to look at his face to know he was trying to hide a laugh. Yet, something felt different about him today. Each stride he took seemed to be done with extra joy, a silly grin never leaving his face.

"You seem to be in a happy mood today."

"What could there be that's not happy? Am I supposed to feel sad about a pretty girl with a gorgeous smile -- if she smiles, I mean -- walking next to me?"

I elbowed him immediately, making him fake a wince. Thankfully, I don't think he noticed the flush over my face. "Seriously! What are you so happy about?"

"A couple things actually. Looking forward to acing the project. And the captaincy announcement will be made by the end of this week! I've been looking forward to this since forever!"

"Congrats." I replied, genuinely.

"Before I even get selected?"

"Well, maybe in hopes that you get selected."

"Jiya Agarwal is supporting the Vihaan Khatri?! I feel like I won a political election!"

I rolled my eyes at his dramatic behavior.

"Oh and I'm also happy about a pretty girl with a gorgeous--"

"Shut up!"

"Sheesh, can't even take a compliment. Okay, anyways, I have morning practice, I gotta go."

"Bye." But he was already sprinting down the hall.


His childish happiness was contagious. Next thing I know, I was the one with the big smile striding down the hallway to class. Pretty girl with a gorgeous smile? How cheesy can he get--

"Look who it is." I heard a voice, which sounded more like a sneer. Without looking, I walked right past the source of the voice. But I barely made it past before I felt a yank on my arm pull me into an empty nook next to the hallway. "What's the rush?"

I finally looked up at the guy who cornered me, and by the looks he was definitely older. My arm felt like it was on fire at the spot where he gripped me, the burning increasing moment by moment. "When you feel uncomfortable, you speak up," I remembered Vihaan's words from yesterday. With clenched fists, I made a decision. The girl who would be willing to bear unease bus rides, for the first time, spoke up.

"Let me go." Three words said with a voice that didn't even quiver. My eyes pierces the culprit who committed this disgraceful act.

And for a moment, I saw the slight hesitation before he let go.

Yet the senior didn't seem to give up as he inched closer. "Listen to me."

My eyes tried to find any exit from this position, but the nook was too little.

"Tell those two boyfriends of yours to back down from the captaincy position."


"You know exactly who I'm talking about. Vihaan Khatri and Varun Raichand. Those two idiots who wag around your tail."

Now I was seriously furious. "Why don't you convey this message yourself?"

"What is up with you juniors showing ego to your elders?"

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