20: A New Start

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Turning the knob, I slowly opened the door to hear the rhythmic sound of punching. My eyes landed on Vihaan in the middle of the room - his back to me - boxing the punching bag that hung from the ceiling. Quietly closing the door behind me, I walked toward him, determined to talk. But as I got closer, I noticed something dangerous about his behavior. The plight of his problems was clearly visible; with each punch, the knuckles of his bare hands got bruised but even a wince could be heard. He was inviting the pain to stay, testing his endurance. And this state of him...was all because of me.

Reaching forward, I grabbed his forearm, stopping his next strike.


I swiveled around, agitated by whomever had interrupted my workout session. But when my eyes met hers, everything melted away. She had a hurt but insistent expression, as she kept staring at my bruised knuckles.

I pulled away, unsure of how to deal with her presence -- so close to me. It had been forever since we had been this close to each other, and her distance was difficult to tolerate. Still catching my breath, I walked a couple steps back, needing the space and oxygen. She can't be here. Not now, not like this.

"Please leave, Jiya. I don't know what you came here for, but I've learned already. I'm not good for you. You made it very clear the first time and I don't need to hear it again."

I put my hands up, back into striking position. About to punch again, I felt her hand stop me once more. "Stop it," she said. "It's over now."

I looked back at her, not believing her words or sentiments. She nodded in confirmation to what she was implying.

"Vihaan, I just wanted you to know that what happened between us all these months was painful for me too. Frankly speaking...I was unable to understand what your story really was. What you went through before all this. You're a completely different person from me and I failed to recognize that. But now, things have changed-"

"Oh, so you're here to show your sympathy. Well, save you breath. Everyone has their own heartbreak story, but we don't all live in the past." So you know my past now. And you're sympathizing? As much as I want to believe your words, this isn't going to work. Everything's going to go downhill.

"Stop. Stop it now, Vihaan. This is what I don't want to hear! I don't want to hear your fake nonchalance nor am I interested in your past! I'm interested in you - right here, right now." She took a step closer to me, not willing to back down. "Yes, I do know about your past. Yes, I do sympathize. Yes, I understand that you went through a heartbreak. But that doesn't mean I look at you differently now. You were and always will be the Vihaan Khatri who teases me, who agrees to anything I ask, who protects me, who takes the blame for me - all for me."

"Jiya, you don't understand..."

"Then make me understand."

Each second tested my patience. "You don't deserve me and honestly, I don't deserve you. We don't get along, Jiya. We're completely different people and I hate to admit it, but I have no business being in your life. Do you not realize what I did to you. I'm bad company - company you shouldn't be with." I took a breath, not wanting to say what I was going to, but it was for her better. "Go Jiya, leave. Leave when you have the chance to."

"Then you would have moved on by now! Not keep sulking for the past 8 months!"

I had nothing to say to this. I turned around, wanting to end the conversation, wanting for her to walk out of this room, this house, and out of my life. "Go Jiya..." I pleaded in a softer tone.

In a swift motion, she was suddenly standing right in front of me. "You, Vihaan Khatri, do not get to tell me what to do. You do not get to decide when I leave, when I come back, what I feel, what I think. I never stopped you this whole time. I am my own person, and so are you. But unlike you, I have come to understand, respect, and realize who you are." Taking a pause, she calmed herself down. "I am not going anywhere. Unless I see pure hatred in your eyes towards me."

I hesitated to look into her eyes, unable to meet hers., What she was saying was absolutely right, but I didn't have the guts or life left in me to do so.

"Please don't make the mistake I made. Forgive me?"

At her apology, my eyes met hers. "What are you saying?! None of this was your fault. Please...."

She had a pained expression on her face, her eyes glassy. "If you were truly Vihaan Khatri, he would have forgiven me with a hug."

That was it. I chuckled softly, a small smile, irresistibly forming on my face. "Come here," I whispered, pulling her in. She rested her head on my chest, just near my shoulder, snaking her arms across my waist. I put a hand on her head, stroking her soft hair. "Jiya, I think we can make this work."

Jiya pulled back, a wide smile on her face.

"I'm ready to try if you are," I added.

"Then make me three promises,"

I hummed in agreement.

"One. Even though you're not called captain, you'll play at such a level where you'll be called a legend instead."

What?! It took a moment to comprehend what she was asking from me.

"Two. You will be topper this year."


"Three. You will never leave yourself behind."

That's when I realized. Laila asked me to turn my world into hers. But Jiya is asking me to keep my world as mine.


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