27: Flirty to Deadly

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The morning rays peaked through the curtains, forcing my eyes to flutter.

"Where exactly were you last night?..." a familiar voice sounded. Vicky for sure. I squinted my eyes open to see not only Vicky, but all the boys with their arms crossed, glaring down at me.

"With Jiya," I muttered spontaneously, turning to my side. Someone pushed me back straight, making me groan.

"What did you two do?" Jay pressed. "Cause you mumbling her name nonstop last night definitely raises suspension."


"Just enjoyed a moment."

"What moment?!" all three questioned at once. I jerked up in a sitting position while they all crouched around me.

"The golden sun was setting..."


"This chilly breeze swayed the air, giving us goosebumps..."

"Did you give her your jacket or something, like what they do in movies?"

"No...I inched closer..."

Their eyes grew wide. "Did you hold hands?"

I motioned them to come closer. My voice dropped to a whisper. "I did something much more..."


But I had already sprinted off the bed, laughing.


I gingerly cast an eye towards Vihaan, but his eyes were trained ahead at the road. Our encounter from yesterday had left both of us in a secluded bubble, almost afraid to let the other in. Breakfast was already awkward, not to mention all the odd stares Vihaan and I were getting from our friends.

And now this car ride.

The back was bustling with excitement, but it was pin drop silence in the front. We occasionally smiled or added small insolent words to the conversation when being called upon, but nothing more.

I snapped out of my thoughts as we parked on the side of the road and took in the bazaar around us. Stepping out, I took in the smell of the delicious street food and the vibrancy around me. Grabbing my purse, I rounded the car to join the rest of the group.

"Hey," Riya whispered. "What's up with you and Vihaan? Acting like strangers and all."

Were we that obvious? "It's nothing. Maybe just the mood of the day."

"Okay..." her voice still spiked with suspicion. "Ooh! You wanted to go see those threaded bangles right? It's right over there! Aunty, you want to come with us?"

But my mother's gaze was already fixed on a sculpture stall.

"I think we can go without her."


"Thanks beta!" Jiya's mother chimed, gleaming at the Radha Krishna sculpture in her hands. "I'll sit in the car now, you all continue. And take care of Jiya, Vihaan." Her stern look bored into me, waiting for an acknowledgement back. Her statement was saying more than what was coming out of the mouth.

"For sure, Aunty." I flashed her a bright, but assured smile. Vicky and the others tagged along my side, a few moments later, as we walked further into the market.

"You and your suck-up Damad behavior," he hissed, pulling out his empty wallet. "I told you I was broke. See. This Louis Vuitton wallet doesn't even have a single rupee in it! And you think of buying your future mother-in-law a gift without even thinking of us?!"

"Hey don't include me and Rishi in this, Vicks. Our wallets are full. You're the only odd case." Jay interfered, sending us into fits of laughter.

"Fine. Kulfi is on me. There's a stall right there."


To my luck, the kulfi stall was right next to the bangles one. The one Jiya was at. The ice that grew between us had been testing my patience all day. I can't be away from her like that - I needed to melt it. Leaning on the stall pole, with a kulfi in my hand, I gazed at her. I didn't realize when it had turned into staring, until she suddenly met my eyes. Just like she always does when she catches me staring or smirking at her, she blushed and diverted her attention back to her task - still shooting me short looks of curiosity.

"Riya, how are these?" she asked, her tone loud enough to be heard by me.

"Since when did you start asking my opinion? Um, they're good I guess."

But I knew who the question was for. I shrugged, shaking my head, as a reply.

"Okay...how about these?"

"Huh, why are you talking so loud? I'm right here. Those are okay." Riya replied.

Not too bad, I mouthed, which Jiya quickly caught on. She gazed intently at the options, before finally smiling at one.
"How are these looking?" she piped. Those are the one Jiya. Before I could give her my thumbs up, another voice -- voices -- interrupted.

"Ooo that's looking nice baby," one leered.

"Let me help you try some on," another snickered.
There was a third voice also. But I didn't spare time to process his comment.

The kulfi in my hands had already landed on the ground with a splash. 


🔥 Vihaan beast mode ON 🔥

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