9: Apology, Forgiven

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No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't sleep that night. As I laid on bed, watching each rotation of the ceiling fan, my mind drifted into thoughts. Well Vihaan wasn't that innocent for me to feel guilty about. He kept irritating us and Varun just had enough. But am I trying to defend myself? I tossed and turned, trying to forget the afternoon's incident. After what seemed like an endless amount of time, I sat up and grabbed my phone.

"Hello Ria..."

"Jiya?! This late?"

"Listen. I have a theoretical question."

"Okay...I'm listening."

"Say there's this person--"

"Is that person you?" There was a tease to her voice.


"You're stuttering."

"Just listen! Say there's this person who...um, indirectly, made another person upset. And the person wants to apologize but doesn't know how to...approach."

"Well, if they indirectly made the person upset -- Wait how is that even possible?!"

"Please just share your thoughts."

"Okay? If they indirectly made the person upset. And he/she is too hesitant on how to directly apologize. Then why don't they indirectly apologize?"

My mind stirred off. Indirectly apologize?... "Jiya, are you listening? Who is the per--"

"Thank you Ria! Thank you! See you tomorrow!"


"You know what, you're right. You won't leave. Because you can't miss any opportunity to leave any innocent girl alone!"

I tossed to one side.

"...can't miss any opportunity to leave any innocent girl alone!"

I let out a low groan, as I turned again.

"...any innocent girl..."

I settled on my back, staring at the air conditioning vent.

"Hey, I'm Vihaan Khatri."

"H-hi. I'm Laila Raichand--

The sudden burst of light, caused my eyes to flinch. "Kya yaar, Vicky."

He plopped himself down on my bed. "If you're so bothered by his words, why didn't you just give that dirtbag Varun a punch back."

I turned to face Vicky. My voice turned agitated. "You know what? I would have given him a literal punch! B-but...she was there!"

"You're AFRAID of punching him in front of JIYA?!"

"No." My voice grew desperate. "Vicky, he was this close! This close to revealing everything. If I said anything more to infuriate him, he would have revealed everything about me and--"

"Don't say her name," Vicky interrupted, bitterly. A confined silence filled the air.

"So I left from there...like a loser."

"Vihaan, why do you care if Jiya finds out? What difference is it going to make? She's just a normal girl like all others in this college."

I didn't know how to respond. So instead, I just shrugged, getting comfed back under the blankets.

"You know what Vihaan? These girls and all, we don't need. They're just a mess. You've been living with me for what? 2 years now? One more year of this MBA stuff, and then me, you, Jay, and Rishi will be living like bros' for life--"

"As you say Vicks." A yawn escaped my mouth.

"Wait what?! You're sleeping? I'm always the one listening to your rants, and you just..." his voice drowned out by his own yawn. And before we knew it, we both crashed out into dream-awaiting sleep. Why do I care if she finds out?...


Walking into the classroom, I glanced at the empty back row. Of course, he wasn't here yet. Latecomers. Taking my usual seat in the second row, I waited. I slowly watched the class fill up with each passing minute. The bell rang, the professor entered, but my eyes never left the door. With a hint of disappointment, my eyes dropped to the notebook in front of me.

"May we come in, Sir?"

My head immediately shot up. It was them.

"What excuse do you have this time?"

"Actually Sir, we just now helped an elderly woman cross the road in front of the college."

"And 4 people had to help her? Really? Just get in."

I followed him with my eyes as he approached the aisle. A part of his everyday routine would be to give me a teasing glance as he walked up the aisle. Today, I apprehensively watched his every move. But nothing. He calmly walked by, not bothering to even glance in my general direction. Why is he making this more difficult than it has to be. Fine, if he doesn't care, nor do I.

Turning my attention back to the front of the class, I tried to forget about him.


Throughout the day, I noticed her trying to get my attention. Trying to approach me in the hallways, trying to speak with me when passing out papers in the classroom, ect, ect. Midway, at lunchtime, the boys and I were seated at our table in the canteen. My mind was only half conscious in their random talks. And then I saw her again, walking to the counter to order. I forced myself to not pay attention, but my ears were deceiving.

"May I order a vanilla ice--no no. I'll take the milkshake."

I told her not to and here she goes. Did she forget my warning already?!

"Thank you!" she chirped, grabbing her drink.

The number of times my stomach got upset drinking that...

She lingered near the counter for a moment, as if expecting something. And that's when I made my move. Making my way to the same counter, I rammed into her, making her drop the drink. Instead of the shouting I expected, Jiya whispered a couple words. "Sorry. I'm really sorry."

Not a sorry for my intentional shove, rather a sorry for yesterday's mess.


Day 2 of Tutoring.

"Chapter 17 today," I started, as I watched Varun flip through the pages of the textbook. No matter how much I tried convincing myself, my eyes never left the entrance door. What am I even expecting? I apologized, the rest is up to him.

Just like my thoughts were heard, the door swung open, the loud sounds of the hallway infiltrating the library for a quick second. As soon as I saw his presence, my eyes grew wide. Vihaan?!

He inched closer and closer to where Varun and I were sitting, his eyes never leaving mine. I glanced at Varun, and noticing him buried in his textbook, I let out a sigh of relief. His back is facing him anyways. Looking back at Vihaan, he continued to head straight for us. He ignores me all day, and now? Wait a minute! What if he's taking revenge for yesterday. I braced myself for the impact, but it never came. Vihaan just sat on the table behind Varun, his eyes meaninglessly skimming the words on a magazine he picked up.

"Library kon use karta hai?" The remembrance of his words unknowingly brought a smile. I'm forgiven. 


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