28: Fights Do No Good

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Vihaan's eyes went pitch dark. His hands already balled into fists as he made his way over.

Quickly turning around, I faced the 3 men who were staring right back at me. "Leave. Now."

"No need to get all defensive, hottie. We were just answering your questions," one of them replied, seemingly the leader of the group. The other two laughed and I felt my anger growing. Before I could say anything else, Vihaan was beside me. "Didn't you hear what she said? Leave. Now."

"Areee, so quickly. I've just started, " responding to Vihaan, but looking at me.

The weight of his disgusting eyes was too much to bear, but I held on. Suddenly, Vihaan grabbed my hand, swiftly pulling me behind him.

"If you're gonna talk to me, look at me. Take your eyes off of her, or I swear to God-"

"What's your problem in the middle? Are you her brother or something?"

"You wish, suckers! Maybe he would have gone softer if he actually was," Vicky hollered from a distance back, still eating his kulfi. Why is he encouraging this?!

"Vihaan, let's just leave please. It's useless," I nudged. But my pleas fell short of his ears.

"He's not, but we are," Jay and Rishi joined in, stepping up beside Vihaan. My shield of one had multiplied to three. Three v three. This could lead to a full on fight.

A flash of hesitance passed the mens' faces as they stepped back, not expecting the backup. "She wasn't worth it anyway. I could find someone better in a 10 foot radius," he grumbled, leaving.

In the blink of an eye, Vihaan had his hands on the guy's collar pulling him up as Jay and Rishi held off the other two. "What the hell did you just say?" Vihaan spat, his voice dangerously low. His knuckles gradually turned white from the pressure he was exerting.

"Vihaan quit it!" I pulled the end of his shirt.

"Jiya, get back," he quickly muttered, sidelining me. "Look here, you little piece of shit. You look at her - or a matter of fact - any girl like that ever again, I will bury you in such a place that even Narayan won't be able to find you. Understand?!"

The words he spoke seemed to have triggered something inside the man - who was a solid half foot taller. Fights do no good. Fights do no good. Fights do no good.

I was desperate, as I pulled on his arm to get him to leave. "VIHAAN, I SAID STOP! LET GO OF HIM!"

My raised voice startled him but he reluctantly let go. But not before murmuring an enunciated cuss word.

"Riya let's go back to the car," I brushed past Vihaan, not even bothering to stay there a second longer.


I didn't regret my behavior back there. But I couldn't let Jiya know that or I'd be ignored for the rest of eternity. So instead, the rest of the day passed with me trailing behind her, whispering quick sorrys, from every place to place we toured.

Finally, we reached the hotel parking lot at the end of the day. As everyone shuffled out the car, I held on to Jiya's hand before she could follow. Now, I had the chance to really be alone with her.

She whipped around, her eyes drilling holes into me. "Let me go, Vihaan."

At least she called me by my name. That shouldn't be so hard to handle.

"Just hear me out, Jiya. Please," I added.

She fought for a second, then slouched back on the seat, giving up.

At her silence, I pulled out the set of bangles from the middle compartment between our seats. "May I?" I asked, gesturing to her hand in mine.

"I don't want them anymore."

"I know what I did back there hurt you. Well, actually, I don't know why that hurt you. Somebody else would have thought that was pretty fire--" I cut off at her glare. "Okay sorry sorry. I know I shouldn't have picked a fight. It's just that..." I trailed off, not knowing how to finish my sentence. I averted my eyes, not sure how to face her and admit it.

"Just that what?" she asked.

I looked up again, meeting her eyes. "It's just that I can't stand anyone looking at you that way."

"Why?" Her voice was whispery, almost low enough that I missed it.

"Because you're mine."

She was quiet for a moment, before responding, "You make me want to slap you, you know that? First you go around immaturely fighting people and then you try to play it off with these dialogues. You're more hormonal than a teenager, Vihaan Khatri."


But after a peek at her a few seconds later, I saw her suppress a smile.


"So what? I'm leaving. Give me my bangles." She got out of the car, trailing to the hotel entrance.

"Tonight, terrace?" I shouted after her, grinning.

"Shut up, Vihaan!" 


He's immature AND romantic.

She's logical AND cute.

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