Bonus Part

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"Viya! Viya, are you ready?" Jiya, now a mother of a 5 year old, rushed around their house. She seemed to be frustrated that morning. So frustrated that she started muttering. "I told him not to buy this big of a house. What's the need for this when we don't even use half the rooms?! And moreover that angel of his seems to find new new rooms to hide in everyday, and I'm the one stressing to find her!"

Jiya finally reached a sky-blue colored room. A wall in that room was nicely decorated with achievements -- a few soccer medals, classical dance trophies, and student of the month certificates. The parents kept their little one quite active.

"Shall we leave--wait a minute...when did you change the photo to your dad?!" Jiya exclaimed.

A giggle could be heard from inside the closet. As the door opened, a small girl hopped out, with a mysterious smile that resembled her fathers'. Her innocent looking eyes hovered to the photo frame beside her bed. "Yesterday, Daddy snuck me some ice-cream, Ma. That's why I put his photo today."

"He did what?! Vihaan!...Vihaan!!"

A rush of footsteps could be heard, before a man dressed in formals -- tie not tightened -- appeared panting at the door. "Yes Ma'am?"

"You gave her something she's not supposed to consume a lot!"

"Oh about that ice-cream?" Her glare gave him the answer. "Come on, all doctors say that stuff. It's okay to break those rules once in a while. She's still a kid who has a long way to go. Just let her have fun."

Vihaan circled around Jiya to pick up his girl. As they cradled and laughed, Jiya couldn't help but sigh. Viya had been born premature. Her mother's way of pampering her was being more cautious. While her father's way of pampering was to just make his little kiddo happy. As Vihaan and Viya attacked Jiya into a hug, Jiya couldn't help but excuse her husband's mistake...just this once.


More to come...

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