32: Tensions Arise

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Sorry guys, went on vacation. Back to the story...


"What's going on here?"

The girl standing in front of Vihaan looked similar for some reason. But I could swear I never saw her before. But that wasn't the issue to deal with right now. It was Vihaan.

"Why do you always get fueled up so easily? Come on," I said, tugging his arm. But he didn't stop glaring at the girl. What did she do that's making him this mad?!

I took a quick peek at the girl once more, only to see her scanning me with such intensity. She looked around our age. Average height and lean, her highlighted hair stood open in waves. Her clothing, makeup, and posture were all so dynamic -- like a model.

Suddenly, Vihaan snapped out of his daze. His stiff posture morphed into a more relaxed one. Reaching an arm around my waist, he clutched me close. But this was different, not the embracement he did out of love. It was more tense and unnatural.

"Vihaan what are you doing? Cut it out!" I whispered.

"Perhaps he doesn't know how to behave with this new fortune he found." Her voice rang in the air. Her words were confusing, but the arm around me loosened.

Before Vihaan could react, a familiar voice spoke from behind. "Laila?! Is that you? I told you I would pick you up from the--"

Varun froze, noticing who we were. Whereas, my mind was already racing, connecting the dots. The uncomfortable aura, Vihaan's possessive behavior, her scrutiny towards me...Laila.

I eyed her eyeing me, taking me in. I shifted my look towards Vihaan, trying to understand his emotions, but I was unable to grasp anything behind his facade. Turning my attention back to Laila, I noticed the papers scattered across the floor. My designs?! I dropped down into a low squat, beginning to pick up papers. "These designs-"

"Are mine," Laila finished, snatching the papers out of my hands. "Take what is yours and leave yourself out of the rest of it."

I cleared my throat, not saying any more, but the same did not apply for Vihaan.

"When you speak to Jiya, you speak with respect. And as for the designs you have claimed in your hands, those are Jiya's."

I held onto his arm, trying to signal him to calm down, but he had something else on his mind. Laila looked down at my designs, quickly scanning over them. I noticed her raised eyebrows and a look of approval on her face, but she quickly masked her expressions.

"It seems as if you don't take your work all too seriously, Jiya. You didn't even know that I am your model today. Looks like someone didn't do their homework."

"That is not the case-" I started, but was quickly cut off by Vihaan.

"Because it was supposed to be a surprise. Apparently, I need to work on my gift-giving skills. Because you're not a gift, you're a curse."

"Vihaan, enough!" Varun butted in, standing between him and Laila. "Walk away, Vihaan. Get some fresh air."

Vihaan stared at Varun, almost agreeing to his suggestion, but then his face hardened again. "Varun, I suggest you stay out of this. This is between me and your sister."

Varun stood there for a second longer, contemplating reasoning with Vihaan once again, but then relented.

"Like I said, this was to be a surprise for Jiya. She had no clue about you, and unfortunately, nor did I. Had I known-" he cut off, not finishing the sentence.

Laila looked from him to me again. "You put your blind trust in him. For what? How do you know he hasn't planned all of this?"

"Planned?! What are you even saying?" My voice got higher with my increasing rage, betraying the nonchalant expression I had plastered on my face.

"He planned for us to meet, to show off that he has moved on from his past relationship. To show off this new asset he has acquired." She faced Vihaan again, expecting a rebuke from him.

I stepped in front of him. "Stop looking at him to talk, Laila. You have questioned my trust, the one thing I hold of value in this relationship. Before my love for him, I put forth our friendship. And friendship thrives on faith." I took a step forward, leveling myself with her. "Maybe if you had done the same, things would have been different."

My confrontation caught her by surprise. I took a deep breath, steadying myself. "I don't know about you, but I don't let my personal life get in the way of my professional one." I took a step back, my voice steady and flat. "So I would appreciate your presence at tomorrow's meeting. It would be my pleasure to have you wear my designs."


Queen, don't forget this 👑

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