11: Rumors Are Like Wildfire

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Yesterday felt surreal. It's like I could finally give him a chance; a chance to not hate each other anymore. But that's ridiculous! Just for dropping me home, I let him off the hook for all the past troubles?

The bus lurched to a stop, diverting my attention. My stop. Only when I stepped foot onto campus, was when I noticed something strange: I was receiving unusual attention.

I rushed up the stairs, hurriedly, ignoring the odd stares from the people around me. In fact, some people I didn't even know.

"Are you..." one girl approached. But I cut her off short, disappearing into another crowd of people. For a second, I thought it was all my imagination. After all, why would I be everyone's interest all of a sudden? But this was reality. Keeping my head down, I navigated my way through the intense gazes all around.

Then, I saw Ria walking towards me; relief flooded through me. At least she--

But that thought came to an abrupt stop, at the look of confusion and determination on her face. I did a 180 and began walking the other direction. Even with my eyes trained down, I could see the looks of the students questioning me. What is going on!?

I looked around for any spot - to take a moment to breath - but it was impossible. Every pair of eyes were on me. Library. Quickening my pace, I tried to make myself as small as possible. But along with that, the murmurings of people around me were overwhelmingly audible.


"I saw her..."

"...dropped home?"

"Got in..."

"Damsel in distress..."

"...why though?"

And then it suddenly struck me. I was officially the new talk of college...just for taking a ride from Vihaan Khatri.


Parking my BMW in its usual spot, I walked in the direction of the campus. Expect...something was different. People noticing me was usual, but today it felt...extra? I took in the undivided attention, smiling off all my confusion. The whispers were not very quiet themselves. And in a second, I automatically understood what all this buzz was about. I caught sight of my group in the canteen and worked through the crowd to them. Plopping my bag on an unoccupied chair, I sat on the table, only to be immediately bombarded with questions.

"You dropped Jiya?!"

"After that whole tutoring mess!"

"Did your self respect get thrown down a hole or what?!"

"Enough guys!" I interjected. "It was raining and she needed a lift. I did what I needed to do."

Jay lowered his voice. "And all you did was drop her right?"

With a brief stop in the middle, yes. But instead, I narrowed my eyes at his question. "Is that really something you need to ask?"

"It was just a check...just making sure - that's all," he defended.

If Jay thought this, the whole school could be thinking something more. I need to put an end to this. I'm used to rumours. But she isn't. I scanned the canteen looking for a face that had become very familiar now. Where is Jiya?

I abruptly stood up, and without thinking twice started rushing out of the overcrowded canteen, barely hearing the faint 'Where are you going now, Vihaan?'

I started to scan the halls, looking into every classroom and corner in sight. The thought of barging into the ladies washroom was appealing, but I was not in the mood to get slapped or reported. She's not the kind to sit in a bathroom stall and contemplate on life choices. Think Khatri, think.

I took the back hallways, ones by the custodial rooms and the canteen kitchen. She doesn't like attention, so she might be looking for a place to breathe. There are empty classrooms there - it's a possibility. Walking down the aisle, I saw a glimpse of the back of her head - right in front of me. My luck.

Grabbing her arm, I pulled her into the nearest classroom, not wasting a second for others to notice. Muffling her yelp, I closed the door behind us. She turned around, but in a form I didn't even expect. Her eyes were glazed, her lip trembling, all while a single tear trickled down her cheek. And at the recognition of me, tears welled from deep inside, coursed down her face.


I looked at him, my vision slightly blurry from the crying.

"Tum ro rahi ho? (You're crying?)" he asked, his gaze softening.

I avoided eye contact and turned around, my back to him. We stood there for a second, in complete silence, while my face flushed in shame.

"T-this..." my voice whimpered. "feels all different. It's t-too overwhelming, a-all this attention."

At this point, I didn't care if he thinks I'm crying for such a small incident. It was nowhere near small for me. The mutters, stares, and a few snickers I heard was too much for me. An introverted small-town girl, who absolutely despises being the spotlight, suddenly getting all the attention in the world about being with a boy...feels disgusting. How easily I was downgraded. How easily people jumped to make assumptions. How easily a single incident became a rumour blazing around like a wildfire. "W-why do p-people have to--"

My words were cut off by the warmth of two arms engulfing me into a protective embrace. I've never been hugged before by anyone other than family; but oddly enough, the thought of this closeness from the opposite gender was ignored. There was nothing romantic about it, nothing intimate, nothing causing flutters. Instead, only deep respite.

As the world melted away, I finally melted into the hug. Leaning, ever so slightly, into the crevice under his chin, almost as if it was designed for this moment. And with that, his arms - which were previously gripped with hesitation - locked me in closer with profound confidence. And in those moments, I was protected. Protected from all the fears and embarrassment I had before.

"It's alright," he whispered. "I'll fix everything. Trust me."

And I did. 


Vihaan: +100 🥰

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