4: His Instagram Account

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After beating up Vicky until he begged me to leave him alone, I sat in the canteen with the trio eating ice cream.

"But this definitely is a highlight in Vicky's life." Jay teased, making Vicks groan.

"But it looks like there could be competition for Vihaan."

I told them how the whole tour went. And with her last question, we concluded that she could be an intelligent one. Probably not up to my level of course. Hopefully. Before I could open my mouth to change the topic, Rishi gestured to Jiya who just arrived. I watched through the corners of my eyes as she walked up to the lady behind the counter.

"One vanilla milkshake please." she requested. "A-actually scratch that. I'll go with the ice-cream."

'Don't buy the vanilla milkshakes...I would recommend the ice cream instead.' I remembered. Looking back up at her, she seemed to be thinking the same thing. A smirk made its way onto my face.

Grabbing her order, she turned around, scanning the canteen for a place to sit. Seeing an empty spot at an empty table, she made her way towards it. Settling down, she pulled out her phone, reverting to her own space. Introverted female - new admission. Typical.

Returning back to the conversation at hand, I focused on paying attention to the debate going on between Jay and Vicky.

"You know who's fake?! It's..."

My mind started tuning out. But I shook my head, refocusing.

"Oh please! He uses steroids..."

Unwanted memories made their way back to me.

"Don't you think she looks lonely?"

"Yeah, but not anymore...watch and learn. Hey, I'm Vihaan Khatri."

"H-hi. I'm--"

I abruptly stood up, making the boys look up suddenly.

"You okay dude?" Jay's voice grew concerned at the look on my face. Without answering, I scanned the canteen for a similar face. Spotting her, I subtly walked over.

"Hey Ria."

Ria's face grew wide with surprise as she spotted me. "H-hi Mr--I mean--Khatri--no no um--"

Growing impatient, I interrupted her. "I need you to do me a favor." 



I looked up to see a girl smiling back at me. "Hello?"

"My name's Ria."

"My name is-"

"Jiya. Jiya Agarwal. I already know."

Huh? My mind went into confusion before replying with, "Really? How?"

"Umm...I...it's that...you're new! Y-yeah, you're new, so everyone already knows."

Of course. I'm the new loner at school. Just great.

"Just wondering if you wanted to...sit with us?"

I looked at her more clearly. Is she for real? Deciding to go with my luck, I nodded my head with a smile.


"So did you figure out everything? Where everything is located, all the basics?"

No. That egoistic "gentleman" showed me everything so "clearly", didn't he? "Yes." I lied.

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