23: Results & Milkshakes

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~ A Couple Months Later ~


"5 more minutes Jiya," Jay ran up to me as soon as I reached the top stair of the college entrance. "Results will be projected on the auditorium screen."

"But where's Vihaan?" I looked around, but no sight of him.

"No clue at all. Said he's gonna go grab something and come."

By now, Ria and a couple other friends had joined me, urging to hurry up.

"You all head on down. I'll be on my way."

They shrugged, too impatient to argue, and sprinted off towards the auditorium. It took nearly 3 minutes of lingering next to the stairs, until finally I saw him running up the stairs - two at a time.

"About time," I rolled my eyes.
"Sorry sorry, this was important," he said, motioning to a bag he was holding. "Ready?"

I nodded my head in answer and we quickly ran through the empty hallways to the auditorium. Everyone was already there, mostly with tensed looks.

"Look at that dude," Vihaan whispered in my ear, a laugh hidden in his voice. "Looks like he's about to pee his pants. He even seems to remember every single existing mantra!"

Pushing him away for his odd humor timing, I took a glance down at my watch, I realized the doors would open any second now. And just like that, it was time. We were stuck at the back of the crowd, but the large opening door was clearly visible. And so was the flood of people scurrying inside. I felt a hand around my wrist, as we were pushed forward. Yet my eyes were glued straight ahead, trying to get any sight of the names projected.

"See anything?" I asked Vihaan, who shook his head as no.

But the blurred words were getting clearer as we headed more and more closer. Heads immediately turned in our direction, indicating they already knew something we didn't.
"Don't look yet! " Vihaan side glanced at me, as we nodded in sync. The mumbles and shouts around us buzzed off, until we could only hear the sounds of our matching heartbeats.

"3..." he started the count. "2....1."

Without second thought, our heads shot up, faster than bolts. And at the very top of the list was..."Vihaan Khatri - total percent: 97"

A row down read, "Jiya Aggarwal - total percent: 95"

There was a time where I always aspired to have my name engraved in the very first row. But for the first time, it felt better...to be just one row down instead. 


For the first time - in my entire life - Jiya took initiative by tackling me into a hug...in front of the whole college. Don't get me wrong, this was no complaint at all. I happily obliged, wrapping my arms back around her.

"You did it," she whispered. "Promise completed."

"But I'm still not satisfied with your 95," I teased.

"Oh shut up."

Suddenly, a sharp screech from the speakers broke the hug and everyone's attention.

"Sorry my dear friends!" Vicky hollered. "I want to personally congratulate my dear showoffs Vihaan Khatri and Jiya Agarwal for snatching top ranks! Wait, who came in third? Eh, doesn't matter. Anyways, I also want to thank my dear teachers and staff for putting me and my friends on the pass list. I actually feel like crying for this honor..."

I was distracted by his humorous words, as the principal and vice-principal rushed by. "How did he even get up there? These seniors, I say. I thought we turned off the mikes and speakers!"

I chuckled. He has his ways.

Oh, it's time! I nudged Jiya who looked back at me quizzingly. Opening the bag that I had brought with me, I slowly took out a confetti popper. Her eyes widened as she figured out what I was about to do. I grinned at her and she shook her head frantically in return, urging me to not explode it. Well, I couldn't let them go for waste; so I twisted the canister, shiny strips of gold, silver, and black exploding everywhere.

Everyone around jumped slightly at the sound of the explosion, but seeing the strips fall down from the air, excitement arose. People began to celebrate and congratulate.

Again, Vicky's words echoed loudly throughout the auditorium. "And I lastly thank the janitor for having the patience to clean up my bud's mess later. And that concludes my--crap! Principal's here. Gotta run folks!"

I laughed at Vicky's banter and felt a light slap on my arm. "You really had to do all of that?" Jiya asked, as I put my arm on her shoulder.

"That's my tradition," I winked, as we started to make our way out of the auditorium. I waved to the others, signaling them to meet us outside.


I sat down - my hand holding a milkshake - beside Jiya.

"Really?" she asked, surprisingly. "I thought you hate the milkshakes."

Me, Jiya, the boys, and Ria were all seated around a table in the college canteen. "Just wait and watch," I replied, grinning at the boys around the table. Each then proceeded to take off the lid of the cup, the large size, preparing for what was to come. We were going for it whole.

"What is going on?" Ria muttered suspiciously.

Vicky started the count, "1...2...3 - GO!"

I quickly brought the rim of the cup to my lips, gulping down the mushy vanilla mixture, gagging along the way.

"What--Vihaan! Stop!" Jiya shook my arm, but I kept going. My eyes scanned the table. Rishi seemed to be in the lead, his cup halfway empty already. I increased the amount of substance going down my throat.

"Done!" Rishi slammed the empty cup on the table.

"Second place is better!" Vicky and I slammed at the same time. All three eyes wandered to Jay. Expect he wasn't in his spot. It took a moment to see he was bent over a trash-can a few feet away. Laughter exploded over the table.

"Y'all are insane," Ria wrinkled her nose.

Jiya nodded in agreement as she stroked my back, but I could tell she was amused from the scene we had just created.

Jay came back to the table, still looking squeamish, as Jiya passed a water bottle towards him. "I could use the patting as well, Jiya. Would be really comforting, you know."

"Why don't you get your own girl, huh, Jay?" I blurted spontaneously, not watching my words or audience.

I felt every pair of eyes around the table turn to me as they took in my words. Realizing what I had just admitted to, I rushed to cover up. "G-get your own friend, is what I meant."

To my side I could see Jiya had turned a light shade of pink, her hand automatically off my back.

Vicky, understanding our situation, quickly changed the topic. "So, we, boys, have been thinking...how about a trip everyone? Just the six of us."


Sorry guys, this was sorta a filler! Something's happening in the next part tho...

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