24: Indirectly...Official?

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Vicky had initially suggested the idea a couple days back and the thought unrealistic at that moment, now seemed appealing in the present.

"But where would we go?" Rishi asked and everyone began thinking.

"Bro, let's all go to Goa!" Jay exclaimed, eyes going dreamy.

I smacked him on the back of his head. "And what do you want to go there for?" I questioned, underlying the hidden accusation.

"No no, I was thinking something in a drivable distance. Like long road trips?" Vicky added.

"Agra!?" Ria immediately suggested and everyone groaned in unison.

"I would like to go there with my wife one day," Vicky sarcastically said, shooting down the idea.

"I was thinking of a hill station or maybe somewhere with adventure. I don't want to go around museums all day, " Rishi added, eyeing Ria.

"What do you mean, Rishi?! It's pretty!" Ria defended.

"How about Manali?" Vicky interrupted, but after a moment's pause, denied. "Eh, it's too far away."

"Jaipur is like 30 minutes away," Jay suggested, but was quickly silenced with everyone's raised eyebrows.

"I think you and Ria should go on your own trip. Architecture, museums, learning - really seems like your cup of tea," Vicky commented as Rishi glared. Rishi glaring? Guess this trip could form a new couple.

"Rishikesh," I finally proposed, taking into consideration Jiya's frown the whole conversation.

Vicky immediately stood up. "You think we're all looking for a place to pray?!"

A couple heads nodded in agreement.

But I continued to explain. "That's not the only thing there. Adventurous activities, good weather," I acknowledged Rishi, "nice architecture with the mandirs there," I added as I looked over at Ria and Jay, "and it's close by," I finished, glancing at Vicky. "Everyone gets what they want."

Everybody looked at each other, seeming to like the idea even more.

"He's right," Vicky added, seeming to be a fan of the idea.

"No wonder he was topper," Rishi added, getting a laugh out of everyone. They all seemed on board, except for one person, who hadn't spoken a word since the topic had come up.

"Jiya?" I coaxed.

"Ah Jiya! Why didn't you say a word? Do you not like any of the suggestions?" Ria asked, concerned. At this, everyone started speaking to her.

She sighed and finally revealed, "Honestly I'm not sure if I'm allowed. I'll get back to you guys on this."

Everyone nodded in agreement, understanding her request.

"No problem," I reassured. "I'm confident you'll be joining us."

~~ Later in the Car ~~

I glanced over at Jiya, who didn't seem too happy with the whole situation.

"You okay?" I asked, returning my attention back to the road.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she replied shortly. "About what you said at the table that time..."

'Why don't you get your own girl' "Yeah I remember."

"Do you--" we both questioned at the same time. I motioned for her to go first.
"Vihaan...I think we're still trying to find ourselves. We need to prioritize ourselves first at this time. If what's going on between us is real...I think we should wait. Until graduation at least."

"If what's going on between us is real, waiting is the least of my worries."

The drive was silent for a moment, as both of us absorbed this new confirmation of our relationship.

"Wait a minute!" I startled up, revisiting the words we shared. "Did you just say we're....real? Is that an indirect proposal!?"

"W-what? I just assumed what's going on is--"

"Real?" I pressed further, smirking and then laughing with joy.

"What Vihaan, I thought you knew already--"

"IT'S REAL!!" I shouted, my body filled with ecstasy. I clicked the button which opens the sunroof, and allowed the breeze to celebrate with me.

"Vihaan quit it! Focus on driving."

"But this is the worst way to propose Jiya!! You weren't even romantic or--"

"God! I didn't even p-propose--"

"Let's stop by a flower shop near here!"

"No! You're just so...impossible!" But even she couldn't resist giggling. 

"Jiya, you spoke such beautiful, I'll wait till eternity if I have to!"

"Vihaan Khatri, you are hopeless."

And I flashed her such a smile, that could have been even brighter than the moon and stars on a pitch dark night.



I slowly walked up to her, as she smiled at my presence. "Yes beta? Something to talk about?"

It wasn't me, but my mother who had come right to the point. I've been thinking all afternoon on how to ask for permission on the trip. Asking for permission for something impossible.

But as I looked up at my mother, into her strained but eager eyes, I knew I could never lie. I could never make up an excuse for something I really wanted from her.

"Some of my friends planned a trip...they were wondering if I could join them."

Her eyes returned back to the newspaper she was reading. "Where to?"

"Rishikesh." My tone came out fainter, seeing how bad of an idea this was.

"Nice devotional place. And with who?"

This was it. My answer held the potential for a considerate yes or a down-right no. I could never lie. So I hesitated before telling the truth. "Ria and...f-four boys."

An endless silence filled the air, as I held in my air for the whole duration.


My head jerked up at the word. I blinked - thrice - contemplating whether I heard the right thing or not. "W-what?"

"I said sure. Go ahead."

That's it? She's not going to ask for any details?

After a couple more minutes of discussion, I finally made my way upstairs to back my bag. But there was one thing I couldn't stop thinking about. I know my mother well enough. Definitely well enough to know she would never automatically nod her head at me going away 5 hours. Why can't I stop thinking that there seems to be a bigger mystery behind her immediate approval?


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