5: A Self-Obsessed Flirt

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thevihaankhatri has requested to follow you

What?! The notification seemed blurred in front of my vision, and only after rubbing my eyes did the confirmation seem to hit me - he really did request to follow me. I told Ria to go to class without me, while I debated on what to do. Why am I taking this so seriously in the first place? It's just a follow request, rare but not anything bizarre. Calming down the pounds of my heart, I hesitantly opened up the app.

But this was where the biggest shock was. There were no notifications.

Even after refreshing the follow requests - THRICE - there were no signs of...anything. I let out a huff of air as I realized the truth: he's playing games with me. I, accidentally, liked a picture and immediately set the heart back to white. And he, purposefully, sent a request and took back his action. Instead of letting my action slide, he decided to enunciate it. The embarrassment I had slowly turned to slight annoyance. I'm here to study -- only study. Meaning I can't let this nonsense get to me. Shaking my head, I fastened my pace to class. Let him do whatever he wants, he seems to be the cliche backbencher anyway. He won't be able to compete with me in academics just like how I'll never be able to compete with him in his football fame.


Is she lowkey stalking me?! I shouldn't have been surprised, many people do so everyday. Up to a point where I ended up turning off my notifications. But when I saw the words: @jiya_agarwal915 liked your post, something inside of me clenched. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I didn't expect her to be anywhat interested in me (yes I did catch her scowling expressions during the tour). But no, it was something else.

The picture.

The exact post Jiya chose to like seemed as though she knew that one was different from the rest. That post was something I wanted to take down many times. But the burning rage of fury kept my mind stubborn. I want her to feel the stab of guilt every time she sees it. Make her feel the pain of abandoning someone. No. This wasn't a time to sulk with revenge. Because as soon as my eyes landed back on the phone, the notification disappeared. What!? Double checking the post's likes, I tried to find her username but it wasn't there anymore. Finally connecting the dots, I shook my head with a smirk. A move to get back at her started forming in my head. I knew exactly what to do.


"Good afternoon, Professor!" the voices of students started echoing throughout the classroom. They weren't filled with dullness, in fact, the opposite. Last period was a favorite for many...all because of Professor Nithin. His bright, enthusiastic aura brings an extra flicker of light into the atmosphere.

"What's up! What's up everyone!" his animated voice shouted out. "And...how many times did I tell you all? Nobody needs to stand, I'm a human too. My job is to guide you all in the right direction."

See what I mean...the best teacher anybody could have.

"Although, I'm concerned about guiding certain people in this classroom." Prof. Nithin humored, as he eyed Vicky. The class erupted into laughter. "Ah, I'm joking. Just joking. Back on track, today we are going to learn the next chapter of..."

Normally, I would pay attention to his unique lectures. But today, my mind was on something -- no no someone else. Casually scanning the seats, my eyes locked on the target -- who was sitting second row, 4th seat down from me. Now I have two options. One: approach her directly and let rumours break out. Or two: approach her indirectly, even with the slight risk of starting rumours. Well, both options have the same idea: approach. So that's exactly what I did.

"Professor!" I suddenly interrupted, making him turn around from the board. "I forgot my contacts. Vision is a bit blurry right now. May I move closer down?"

"Of course you can, Vihaan! First row seems full. Umm...pick any open seat in the second row!"


"Bhai," Vicky murmured. "This projector is bigger than my local cinema hall. The professor is showing a single screen picture on a multiplex screen! How can you not see!?"

"He's up to something." Rishi whispered, seeing my mischievous smile. Obliviously walking down the aisle, I stopped next to the second row. Spinning my book in my hands, I grabbed the spot right next to her.


My face flushed as he took the seat right next to mine. What is he doing?! The pen in my hand trembled as I struggled to take down the notes.

"Sooo." he whispered, finger's playing with his own pen, not even glancing at me. "Why didn't you accept the request?"

Because you immediately took it back?! Of course I wasn't going to say that out loud. Instead, I focused on the lecture taking place. "Consumer behavior is one of the craziest perspectives to look at. And it makes absolute sense! Because we as marketers..."

But once again, Professor's voice buzzed out from the distraction next to me. "Did you find anything interesting during your scavenger hunt on my account?"

Heat rose out of my face, and I finally snapped. Flipping to a black page, I wrote out of frustration: I DIDN'T DO IT ON PURPOSE. RIA FORCED ME TO!

There. Most of the truth. I shoved it to him (obviously without making anyone notice), and watched as he leaned towards the page, scrunching his eyes at the words.
"I...did...it on purpose. My...curiosity...forced me to?"

How did he get that from what I wrote?!

"Well, I'm quite flattered."

Secretly grabbing the book back, I wrote again. CAN YOU LEAVE ME ALONE?!

"Can't...seem to leave you...alone?" he read, when retrieving the notebook. "You are quite a wonder, quite a wonder."

I mentally face-palmed at his irritating behavior. I think he actually IS blind. Seeing no other option, I broke one of my most important rules, by whispering -- to a boy -- in the middle of class. "You know what? Why don't you just focus on taking notes?"

I watched as he finally opened his own notebook, flipping through the pages. Internally, I smiled. He's not so bad after all. If it was this easy--

The sound of a throat-clearing broke my thoughts. I turned around with a smile, but it quickly vanished at the shocking sight besides me. While he flexed back in his seat, staring straight ahead with a smirk, I was left staring dumbfoundedly at his page filled top to bottom with organized notes on consumer behavior. I continued to watch as he flipped to another page while quickly scribbling out a few words. Khatri...always a step ahead.

Only after comprehending the words of this self-obsessed person in front of me, did I realize: I have competition. 


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