Bonus Part #2

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The family trio were in their car on the way to their company. The third member was Viya of course. Why was this little girl on her way to an office building? Well a month ago, as Viya was watching a foreign kids show, an episode showcasing the concept of taking your child to work day immediately intrigued her. It took Vihaan 2 minutes to be convinced of implementing the idea in their company.

"Did you see her thought process, though?" Vihaan told Jiya when she confronted him about easily granting his daughter's requests. "She's going to turn out to be a genius Jiya!"


"Ok, so as you can see, this design is currently rocking the market. We need to implement this as soon as possible. Let's get some people on this ASAP." Jiya concluded, setting down her pen.

Her team members nodded, taking down notes. "Ok ma'am. We will get this done by tomorrow night."

Jiya turned around to check on Viya. "Vi-Viya! Viya! Viya!" she yelled frantically, looking under the table and opening cabinets. Where could she be? I need to find her immediately. Vihaan!


"Ok, so according to this chart," Vihaan pointed to the screen, "we have gained an enormous amount of youth customers over this past year. We need to appeal to their needs. Let's try some of those new marketing strategies discussed in the last meeting. And profits team-"

"Papa!" Viya yelled as she ran into the board room. The board members jerked their heads to the entrance at this intrusion.

"Viya?! Where's mumma?" Vihaan questioned, looking behind her for Jiya. He turned back to the confused members. "Sorry about this...she's um-job shadowing."

"Shhhhh." Viya put her pointer finger on Vihaan's lips. "I'm playing hide and seek with Mumma."

Vihaan noticed the mischievous glint in Viya's eyes, quickly understanding the situation. Viya, oh Viya. Your mom is totally gonna kill me. But, you're totally worth it.

"Vicks uncle!" Viya squirmed out of Vihaan's arms and ran over to Vicky, one of the trusted members of the company.

"How many times have I told you not to call me uncle. At least not in public. We're bros, Viya. Also...maybe you should forget the Vicks name...", Vicky trailed off. Viya giggled back, covering her mouth with her small hands.


Oh no, mumma!" Viya exclaimed, running back to Vihaan and hiding behind his legs.

"Meeting dismissed. We'll pick up on this tomorrow." Vihaan quickly announced, knowing what was about to happen. "Viya, go with Vicks uncle."

"Yaar, Vicks uncle mat bola kar. I'm still unmarried. It hurts! (Don't keep calling me Vicks uncle.)"

Vicky quickly picked up Viya and started to head out. Suddenly the doors opened again and Jiya saw both of them.

"Namaste Bhabhiji." Vicky greeted with a goofy grin and he finally left.

Jiya stormed over to Vihaan who had a smile plastered onto his face. "I told you this was a bad idea. I told you. But no. You don't want to listen. All you want to do is fulfill all of the wishes of our daughter. Do you see the effect of that? She has everyone tied around her little finger. I've read an article that kids need to be taught discipline from a young age–"

"Meri jaannnnn! Calm down!" Vihaan put his hands on Jiya's shoulders.

"We have people to look after her. Plus, she knows this place very well." Jiya shrugged Vihaan's hands off.

"Just makes excuses on her behalf. Your romance will not stop me from disciplining her today when we get home!"

"Accha baba, fine. We will discipline her. But right now, it's just you and me," he instigated, hugging Jiya from behind. Jiya began to complain, but Vihaan cut her off. "It's been way too long since we've had some time to ourselves. It's always either work or Viya, both of which I love dearly, but not a fraction more than you." Vihaan lifted Jiya and put her on the conference table, leaning forward until they were just a fraction apart.

"Vihaan, what do you think you're doing?" Jiya exclaimed as she tried to push Vihaan away. "Koi aa jayega! (Someone's gonna come!)"

"Always worried about everyone else, except your husband. That's not fair." He leaned in even more. "How about we plan that other baby?"

Jiya blushed at Vihaan's words, looking down. "Vihaan, this is not the place nor the time. Let me go."

"Itni jaldi? Abhi toh mene start kiya hai. (So soon? I've just started.)" They both chuckled, but their laughter quickly died down. Jiya looked into Vihaan's eyes, the same eyes she had looked into all those years ago when they had had their first kiss. "I love you," she whispered.

"With all that I have," Vihaan replied back, not wasting a second to close the distance between them. As they kissed, the same passion and love ignited in them again. The feeling of comfort and contentment returned. Each touch, each kiss, each second, they relieved their years together. And imagined the many more to come. 


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