8: Lost Eyes

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The ball bounced off the wall as I chucked it with all my might. Bounce.

"Topper of the college - that too 2 years in a row."

I caught it and threw it back at the wall. Slam. Bounce.

"1st rank on the football roster."

Bounce. Slam.

"8 academic trophies, 16 sports awards, 4 honor rolls, and 3 scholarship qualifications."

Slam. Bounce.

"15 college acceptances."


"And she's going to tutor me. ME!"

I reached out to grab the ball, but missed it completely. In a flash, Vicky zoomed by, blocking the glass crockery cabinet. "Bro, watch the bowls! If a single thing breaks here, my mother will break me into the same sized pieces and serve me to the guests."

"Here I listen to you, there I have to listen to her," I mumbled to myself.

Vicky looked at me quizzingly.

"What is she going to teach me!? My twelve's table!?" I huffed. "12 times 1 is 12. 12 times 2 is 24. 12 times 3 is frickin--"

"36!" Vicky interrupted, holding up a calculator. Seeing my boiling glare, his smile wiped right off. "Ok ok, bhai - calm down. Stop shooting daggers at me with your eyes."

I let out a sigh, plopping down on the couch. "I just cannot believe I let her have control like that over me."

"Hmm," Vicky sat down next to me. "You see...she only said you should join the tutoring lessons."

I tried to find logic in his repetition. "What are you getting at?"

"I mean, you could crash the lessons AND spy on Varun at the same time."

His idea dawned on me as I took it into consideration. "You know...you might actually have something in there," I complimented, pointing to his forehead.

"Insulting, but encouraging at the same time. I'll take it," he replied, grinning back.

She doesn't have to teach me anything. Instead, I'll be the one making a mess. Varun Raichand, just wait and watch...


Day 1 of Tutoring.

I chose a table in the corner of the library - the view of the campus was visible through the windows surrounding. I was fairly nervous -- tutoring the Varun Raichand. And even the feeling of him choosing me, pushed me in pressure even more. But the sense of victory from demolishing Vihaan's ego brought a smile to my face. He offered me a favor, and I took it. He's always going around acting self-obsessed, let's see where that gets him today.

"Hey!" I looked up to see Varun walking over, textbooks in his hands. "I'm ready when you are."

"Alright, but we're waiting for one more person."

"Really?" His voice hinted curiosity. "Who is it?"

Before I could answer, the entrance doors swung open.

Let me tell you: this was no modest entrance. The familiar scent of Burberry London cologne traced all the way to our table. Hair gelled back - though a strand was left hanging. Sleeves rolled up midway. Jaws moving as he chewed on a piece of gum. Is he coming for tutoring lessons or a fashion show for Tommy Hilfiger? He subtly moved to our table, hands in pockets, and slid into a seat. The angry expression I had imagined him to have had completely vanished seeing this chill entry.

"What are you doing here?" Varun gritted. And then turned to me, clearly disbelieved. "You invited him?"

Before I could respond, Vihaan took the lead. "Yeah she invited me. So?"

"I don't need to see your crap face--"

"Who are you calling crap?"

What is going on?

"You know exactly who!"

"Your such a piece of--"

What did I get myself into?! "Guys stop!" I whispered. "It's a library! You're gonna get us kicked out."

Varun slouched back in his seat as Vihaan rubbed his temples. This is going to be a long session. Taking the silence as an advantage, I decided to begin. "So I guess we can start by looking at these notes on Chapter 16, principles of marketing."

"Don't sound like a boring lecturer. Have some enthusiasm. Which, I know, is tough to have around people that struggle--"

"I like the way she's teaching. What's your business?" Varun cut him off, allowing me to continue. The next 15 minutes passed by with me attempting to explain concepts and Vihaan adding in ridiculous remarks.

After the umpteenth rude comment, Varun finally exploded. "You know what, if you have such a big problem with how she's teaching, why don't you just leave?"

"And why should I?" Vihaan quickly shot back, before I could cut off the fight. "If you have such a problem with how I like to be taught, why don't you get yourself another tutor? But of course, in this whole university, you only found Jiya!"

"You know what, you're right. You won't leave. Because you can't miss any opportunity to leave any innocent girl alone!"

My eyes widened at the harsh interjection. How has any of this got to do with me? I prepared myself to practically beg Vihaan to not continue the fight, but when I turned around, I saw there was no need for that. Because he didn't say a single thing. Instead, he just stared out the window, his eyes almost seeming...lifeless, lost even. The sight of that, unknowingly, made me feel a stabbing sensation inside. The hostile silence in the air made each passing second painful to bear.

Finally, Vihaan stood up, his eyes failing to meet mine. I watched this completely new person in front of me, no emotion reflecting off his face. He lingered around before finally speaking up. "If you truly feel that way about me Jiya, I apologize."

Without wasting a single second, he exited the library soundlessly. But it wasn't only his words and sudden change in behavior that left me puzzled. It was the tone of a lonely boy that left me aching in guilt. 


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