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Joji's POV

"Someone's knocking at the door!"

As expected, it was Ian.

"George, open the door you fat fuck!" I could hear him shout from outside.

"Hey, leave papa's tummy fuzz alone." I joked with him as I let him inside, gently grabbing his wrist before he could get any further into my apartment. Whispering, I leaned over to him. "Just warning you dude, Max has some kinda grim news so today is for cheering him up. Sound good?"

"Uhh, alright. No one's died, have they? Smonking donks with the boys isn't a good front for someone dying."

"No no, its just...grim dude, you're better off waiting for him to tell you."

"Alright, well, thanks for the head's up." He just flashed his eyes a bit at me before pushing up his glasses and walking in.

Walking into my bedroom, I saw a defeated Max slumped next to (Y/N) smoking.

Ian's POV

"Hey, Max. Why don't you turn that frown upside down, hey?"

He just stared at me. This was never good.

"Did Joji tell you?" He asked me. I swiftly glanced at Joji for him to answer, to see he was kind of staring into space and at (Y/N), and (Y/N) was watching Max and I intently. She didn't seem to know what was going on either.

"Uhh, nah, he told me you had some bad news though. What's wrong dude?"

"...Katt might be pregnant, dude." As soon as he mumbled those words, (Y/N) and I instantly locked stares for a brief moment.

"No way, how? You've been he-" as I stopped talking, I could almost hear the dial-up tone in my head as my brain pieced together how that was even possible.

"Oh fuck. Oh shit, no that's fucked. No way man."

He just stared back at me, his eyes hung low like his spirit was weighed down with sandbags and his mouth was stuck in a deep frown of sadness. It was horrible to see, one of my best friends so low. I haven't seen that emotional pain-wrapped facial expression since Joji.

But I try not to think about that.

Sitting down and joining the other two on the bed, I asked "Well, what are you going to do?"

"Wait for the results first, I guess. Then afterwards I don't know. I don't know what to do man, what are you supposed to do in a situation like this? I can't even talk to her in person, I'm on a different fucking continent. Fuck..." Max sat up a little and put his head in his hands, clearly stressing out. (Y/N) enveloped him in a hug as I took to Joji's tray, trying to help out. But he was right, I wouldn't know what to do if I was him.

Looking back up at Joji again, I could tell his head was in the clouds. He was still staring in (Y/N)'s direction, eyes blurred.

"JOJI!" making everyone jump, I got Joji to snap out of his little trance.

i just wanna say i love katt really this is just for story spice xxxx

also !! my dm's are open for suggestions, ive been reading through the comments bc i havent been back here properly in years and any inspiration would be epic :)

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