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and the rollercoaster is back as it's back to your POV!!

It was all you needed to hear to wake up and jump up like you'd stood on a Lego brick.

"Where the fuck is she?"

You instantly ran to the door, the soft carpet beneath you padding out the sound from your steps.

"Uh, n-no sir, please. N-no English. あなたは日本語を話せますか??いいえ?どこかに行って。"

Honestly, you had no idea what the fuck Joji was saying (bro i'm shit at jap so if i got that wrong would anyone like to correct me??), but you just knew it was pissing him off.

"Get the fuck out of my way." You could hear the two men struggling.

"I think the fuck not, you greasy bastard. Take a fucking shower. これが私の家です!"

You thought maybe the random switch of languages wasn't helping. 

"Ah, fuck!!" All you heard was the sound of a fist connecting to another person. 

There was a sound of someone slumping to the floor.

S h i t. Tears clouded your vision. You could feel the adrenaline pumping through you.

The bed? No. Too classic. Wardrobe? No, also too classic. Behind the 72 inch teddy bear that joji won for you?

Difficult with no time. But it'd work for sure.

You climbed onto your dresser and pushed yourself up onto the wardrobe. Being small definitely came to your advantage this once, so you silently thanked your father for being a small man in your head.

The door opened.

Peeping just over the big teddy's ear, you saw him.

Joel. Looking under your bed. You hid your head fully just as he was turning around, and felt the doors of your wardrobe opening.

"Bitch, come out, come out wherever you are. I'm not on the heroin anymore babe!"

The sound of a gun being cocked resonated through the apartment.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? Look at me, you fucking faggot. I said loOK AT ME!" Joji shouted at your abusive ex. You peeped your head again, and you saw some kind of rifle in his hands.

it's nearly 4am and i haven't slept in days fucking kill me

Two floors down /:\ JojiWhere stories live. Discover now