Sleepover and Suicide

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Conversation went more smoothly after the interrogation of Miley and Justin from Emily

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Conversation went more smoothly after the interrogation of Miley and Justin from Emily. Paul still glared Justin down the entire time that didn't go unnoticed by the Quillets or Justin. But none of them voiced it, Jared would elbow him to stop but get no response but maybe a low warning growl. Paul just wanted to mark her even if it was in front of everyone there he didn't care. He was practically on the verge of his seat ready to pounce when the doorbell rang.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion before Charlie stood up and went to answer it. He looked at the person confused before telling them to come in. Zach Dempsey walked in with big bright smile that faltered as his eyes traveled around the room to all the unfamiliar people there. "Oh I can come back another time." He said awkwardly but Charlie stiffly told him he could hangout as well. It was basically a party at this point.

Zach went to the couch that Justin and Miley were in and laughed as he separated them with his ass. Which both laughed at but we all immediately felt cramped and I let out a fake wheeze and both boys just laughed making me laugh as well. It was finally decided that I would just go sit by the cult instead. I just plopped down next to Paul who was staring at Zach and Justin with a smirk.

"So Zach what made you decide to join our party?" I ask with a slight smile. Paul's smirk fell as he heard Zach's name realizing this was his imprints prom date. Judging by the blush on his face when Miley asked why he was here he liked her. It made Paul tense up, and Miley felt it and unknowingly rubbed his arm that rested on his lap. He immediately lost his timidness and looked to her in bewilderment.

Everyone in the pack glanced and saw it with small smiles on their faces. Paul looked ecstatic and it made the pack really believe that he wanted something to do with his imprint. "I figured you guys would be here instead of Bryces and I'd rather hangout with you guys then him so." Zach shrugged with a lazy smile making Justin and I nod knowingly. "Well since everyone is here to party maybe we should get some desert huh? I'll call the diner and get us a cake or something." Charlie chuckled as he stood and got the landline to call.

"Hey Paul." Miley said lowly as conversation flowed between the company. He looked to her with a small smile that made her think maybe he doesn't completely hate her. "Thank you for helping me earlier today..... it means a lot." I smiled at him making him smile widely. "Your welcome. If they ever lay their hands on you again just let me know and I'll handle it okay?" Paul said a little aggressively but in a protective way. Rather then flinch like most people would she blushed and looked away making Paul's heart feel ready to blow.

"Alright so should we play a game?" Emily asked excitedly and everyone began agreeing. "How about 21 never have I ever and we all just go in one big circle using our sodas rather then alcohol?" Emily asked excitedly. All the adults tapped out and went to the kitchen, leaving the cult and the forks group to play. "So who starts?" Jared asked excitedly not usually getting to be social with anyone besides the pack. "I will." Sam said with authority making his friends chuckle lowly to themselves. "Never have I ever rode a horse." He said proudly that he thought of something but everyone quickly booed him except Emily.

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