I Did Not Want This

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Paul was a hothead, a player, and all around a jerk to anyone and everyone

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Paul was a hothead, a player, and all around a jerk to anyone and everyone. Becoming a wolf changed who he could be mean to, and that he could no longer associate outside of the pack. His temperature rose just like his temperament, anything could set him off now a days.

So of course Paul swore off imprinting the moment he had heard about it.

He could no longer choose what girl he was gonna marry or have anything romantic with anyone else. But the biggest thing that made him upset is he would no longer be able to have sex ever again except with his imprint. He used to have a line of girls waiting at La Push, and now looking like this? Girls practically draped themselves over him at school, he had to ignore them however and steer clear. Till finally the rumors begun.

He was part of a cult with Sam Uley and Jared Cameron. Well according to everyone at La Push high school anyway.

So imagine Paul's surprise when he was having a regular day at the beach with his pack brothers and she came walking along. Paul immediately recognized Jacob Black but he had a girl on each arm. One looked pretty normal maybe leaning towards the blander side of things. The other seemed to take Paul's breath away and he didn't understand why, she was skinnier in a way that didn't seem healthy, her eyes looked red, puffy, and sunken in as if she hadn't stopped crying for months.

But he couldn't take his eyes away from her.

He kept trying to turn away knowing almost in advanced what was about to happen. He was frozen though, he physically couldn't look away from her as she went walking by. Then she caught eyes with him and suddenly Paul felt a fuzzy warmth go throughout his body, gravity wasn't holding him down it was her. He would do anything....be anything she needed.

As he came to his senses however he made a face of disgust and began shaking. Sam and Jared quickly dragged him to the forest but for a brief second he had stopped right before going into the woods. His imprint face looked so distraught, but his shaking came back when he saw Jacob comforting her. But he doesn't care, he wasn't gonna let an imprint tell him who he is gonna love or let it change him.


After that night the boys, the guys imprints, he'll even the council were trying to get him to talk to Miley. That's right he discovered a lot about her from Billy, although he didn't ask Billy just began telling him all about her. He wanted Paul there for the girl knowing what's she's been through lately those were the few things he'd left out. He didn't want to guilt Paul into wanting to see her or spread Miley's business when it wasn't his to share. But he could only hope and pray for the ancestral spirits to bring the two together sooner rather then later.

"You know Paul your selfish." Sam started bluntly as he stared down his pack member stuffing his face with brownies. "Your point?" Paul asked with a mouthful thinking he just meant in general. "Do you even care what strain you may be putting on her? Or will you care when she's with someone else?" Sam asked not trying to rule the boy up but also get his point across.

Paul just rolled his eyes and kept eating but everyone could tell he was thinking about her. He made sure not to do it in wolf form or else they'd badger him to go see her. But time like these as he zoned out they could figure why.

"Call it selfish if you want but I am happy just how things are now" He shrugged like it was nothing serious. Everyone stared at him slightly gaping and scared for the newest member to the pack. How long could he stay away before the pain sat in? Would she feel it too?

With Sam and Emily, Sam tried everything possible for her to notice him. He scarred her for life, and strangely that brought them together somehow. Her realizing he had no choice but to want to be around. But Paul?

He was deliberately ignoring his imprint bond making the others weary.


The next day Paul and Jared were in the local gas station grabbing 2 gallons of milk for Emily because they drink everything bare practically everyday. This time however Emily was mid baking cookies and sent the two to get the milk for her. They didn't complain seeing as she practically mothered them as fresh wolves offering shelter, food, and good company.

So imagine their looks of disbelief when Miley Swan walked through the door.

She wasn't alone however, she came walking in with three jocks wearing lettermen jackets. Paul noticed she seems to gain some beauty over night. Her eyes looked less sunk in and red. She now wore an outfit that made her look hotter to him somehow, but she also radiated an emotion of just being annoyed.

"You know what Swan?" The guy who smelled of toxic leadership said instantly causing Miley to tense before turning around with a scowl. "I don't know?What Bryce?" She asked clearly not to keen on talking to him. "You need a pick me up" Bryce said to her nonchalantly. But it was obvious how bad she had tensed up and began staring daggers at him. "You know I think I'll pass on that" she said glaring him down.

Oh since when have you been one to turn it down Swan?" Idiot #2 asked scoffing as he reached passed her to grab some jerky in the cashier line. "And here I'll get you something to eat Miley you skipped lunch already you need something" idiot # 3 said actually trying to be nice but Paul saw his eyes. This man was smitten with his imprint. Miley just grabbed a small bag of skittles. Not even breaking a smile. "Eh I don't know Zach, skinny Miley's hot.......maybe not eating will get her ready for me when she's ready?" Bryce said it with a voice that made Paul want to tear his throat out, it seemed to be the voice he used when he talked to Miley.

A low faint growl fought its way out of Paul's but before he could say or do anything  Miley whipped around shoving Bryces chest harshly. He nearly fell to the floor but steadied himself with a smile that screamed player and made Paul's hatred stronger for this other man looking like that at her. "One more comment about my body, sex or just anything that involves me and you, and I will personally shove this can so far up your ass it will come out of your nose. Got it?" She said through clenched teeth.

Paul found it Hot.

Idiot #2 immediately grabbed Bryce and Zach got in between Miley and Bryce. Bryce just scoffed looking her up and down. "I'd like to see you try princess!" Bryce Called over as Idiot #2 laughed yet still held his friend in a panic. Miley charged slightly but Zach held her before she pushed him off slamming a ten down and just grabbing her drinks and storming out.

The bell above the door dinged signaling his departure with Jared who looked like he wanted to say some thing about the whole situation. But Paul eyes found Miley and met those familiar brown eyes. She stared stoically at him and he pretended to once again look upset at the mere sight of her before turning the opposite direction.

And he wouldn't tell anyone but it hurt.


They walked through the woods and Jared was going off on Paul. "HOW COULD YOU NOT EVEN STAND UP FOR HER! IF THAT WERE KIM....." that's when he drowned on and on making Paul wish he were deaf already. Kim this and Kim that. That's all Sam and Jared talked about was there imprints and it made Paul sick before but now with his own imprintee he forced himself to not be that same love sick dope like them.

"ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME ?" Jared asked clearly pissed off that Paul wasn't paying attention when he was giving advice, trying to show him what an imprint truly means and that he needs to quit ignoring it.

"No actually I'm not, because why would I WANT TO LISTEN TO YOU RUN YOUR MOUTH ABOUT STUPID KIM FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME!!! WHAT I DO WITH MY IMPRINT IS NO ONE ELSES BUSINESS BUT MY OWN!!!" Paul was shaking so bad but so was Jared, over the fact Paul had said something rude about Kim. Paul was just annoyed because the past two days everyone has been trying to convince him to be with Miley. And he just didn't want to which no one believed.

They somehow managed to calm down enough to walk the milk back to Emily's but both were silent and glaring at each other.

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