Fights and Funerals

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The hospital was more awkward then necessary for Miley Swan

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The hospital was more awkward then necessary for Miley Swan. She came out unscathed and so had Bella but they needed to be checked out according to the school. Miley couldn't help but pick at her finger nails wishing she could have just gone home and not be here. Tyler kept apologizing and Bella kept telling him it was fine. However when he apologized to me he just got a blank look and eye roll.

Which didn't discourage his constant apologies until her father showed up closing the curtain. This made Miley smirk at first until she saw Dr Cullen. Miley was trying to process how Edweirdo stopped the van from crushing them. Nothing rational made sense no human being could stop something like that. Let alone not suffer any injury from pushing a fucking van that was coming that fast and leave the van dented and not break an arm.

"Heard the chiefs daughters were here" Carlisle said enthusiastically making Miley narrow her eyes. Bella looked star struck at the man who was her crushes father making Miley just scoff and look anywhere else. He tested them with a flashlight to their eyes making Miley have a headache but she kept from flinching in worry that she'd have to stay longer then she wanted. Carlisle really looked at her when he was examining but nonetheless let it go as he instructed bed rest.

Miley was practically running out with Charlie and Bella a ways behind her. She hated hospitals since the accident man especially this one, so she just went right outside. She froze as she walked out the main doors and immediately felt eyes on her. She shook her head and went to wait by leaning on her fathers police cruiser. She began texting everyone that she was okay and they all began asking how they didn't get crushed. She easily told a lie that the van had bounced off the end of the truck making the van stop in time.

They believed her. But she didn't believe herself.


Jeff's funeral had been pushed back until Wednesday..... today. At first I couldn't bring myself to move out of bed, a lot of people were ditching school for this. I just didn't wanna face his mom or his past life of people. They all blamed him for that night and now it turns out Sherry caused the whole damn thing.

As I walked in wearing my black dress I got lots of looks of sympathy, some of hatred, and some just knowing. I had tears in my eyes that wouldn't fall as I made my way to Jeff's mom. "I'm so glad you could make it sweetheart" she said sadly but seemed happy to see me. I hadn't seen her since the fateful night when she came to check on me in the hospital. My dad and Bella were awkwardly walking around until they found Jacob and Billy. Of course who had been talking to Billy previously? Sam Uley his cult and what looked to be his girlfriend who wore long scratches on one side of her face.

Of course with timing however the cult and guest or other member had to walk over to give their grievances to Jeff's mom and dad who I stood by in comfort. "Hello Harris, good to see you again" Sam said with a solemn nod making Harrid smile sadly. "Just wish it was under different circumstances" he said in a haunting voice that everyone seemed to understand but me. "Oh Um this is Miley Swan. Daughter of the sheriff she and Jeff are dating .....were." Jeff's mom said before correcting herself with a slight sniffle.

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