Bryce Walker and His Lap Dog

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Miley didn't know what she expected from Clay once he heard Bryces tape

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Miley didn't know what she expected from Clay once he heard Bryces tape. Finding out that she had been raped and stripped of one of the last things she held with her self respect. She went numb after that and suicide became her only way out, at least in her mind. I was standing under a tree just avoiding Bella and her boyfriend trying to make me come meet his family. When I noticed Clay waving me towards the parking lot seeing as he had been suspended and would get in trouble if he were spotted.

"I would say I'm surprised to see you but that's be a lie." I said sarcastically as I walked up to him and leaned on the strangers truck that was closest. "I need to get him on tape Miley." Clay whispered his voice hoarse with emotions of anger and sadness.

I just shook my head, "Clay he is the biggest manipulating prick in all of history..... and in his sick messed up head he truly believes that every girl wants him. Trust me I know from experience." I said uneasily knowing his weird obsession with me. It always made me wonder if the same thing that happened to Jess and Hannah would happen to me.

"That's why I need to get it I need...... I need to stop him from ever doing this to anyone ever again." Clays voice cracking being nearly in tears. I felt bad for the guy, I could only shake my head spinning away, "good luck I guess". I say over my shoulder as I walk into school in order to get to class somewhat on time.

Of course Monty and Bryce were at my locker, I wasn't exactly surprised that the principle let Monty back to fast. It was a known fact at school that being a jock you weren't kept on the same level as everyone else. You got away with more and people would look the other way.

"Well if it isn't dick heads 1 & 2, and what do I owe the pleasure?" I say sarcastically as I go in between them to my locker. "First off I have a question". Monty exclaimed with a smirk that rained nothing but bad intentions. "Who the fuck was that at Jeff's funeral?" He asked with a hint of aggression at being challenged like he had been. "That's Paul Lahote, just some guy from the res that knows of me because of my friend Jacob." Miley shrugged but her heart stung as she didn't wanna mention that the man also hated her. "He seemed a lot more then a friend to me, I mean Bryce you should have seen it. Dude was totally jealous but can't say I blame him." Monty boasted making me fake gag.

Bryce looked perplexed at this revelation however, due to the fact his eyes had been set on me as a challenge. Bryce Walker didn't like to lose, he wanted to claim me like he had a lot of girls but that's be over my dead body. "Nah she isn't seeing anyone besides Dempsey, although she could have me right now." Bryvce flirted making me smack his hand away that tried to go my shoulders.

"Look it's literally the end of the day so you guys have nothing better to do? And what I do with Dempsey is not either of your businesses and that goes for Paul too." I seethed slamming my locker shut and storming down the hallway.

They were both following closely behind clearly not done badgering me. But I am supposed to be meeting Bella and Edward at his car for 'family introductions'. I felt watched and shook it off as the two ding heads following me. I hated that Bella and Edward had parked so far away today because now we were in the back corner where no one could see us. "Oh come on Miley one time with me and I'll ruin you for other men." Bryce said cockily leaning on Edwards car.

"Yeah and not in a good way, I think I'd be traumatized by how bad it is and never want sex again so I think ...... not." I said with venom as I kept my eyes aimed at school for Bella and Edward. "Oh come on Swan nothing will hurt to get a little frisky." Monty said trying to be a wingman for his idiot friend.

Bryce then got close up to my face since I had been leaning on the Volvo. "So what do you say? I drive you to my place and you let me rock your world?" Bryce flirted to no avail. "I'd rather not fuck a rapist." It came out close to a hiss, as I pushed off the Volvo and began walking away from them.

But as I was walking a hand roughly grabbed my arm yanking me back in a rough manner. "Look I have played nice, but I am seriously getting tired of your shit. Either you have sex with me or 'sheriff daddy dearest' hears all about what you've been doing." Bryce threatened knowing he had upper hand with my secretive actions.

Before I could even think of a comeback Bryce was roughly pushed away from me. My eyes went wide in pure shock and I looked up to an unknown figure standing front of me. "Oh great it's you again." Monty said with a broad sadistic smile ready to get his vengeance from the funeral home. Because stood in front of me the unknown back was Paul Lahote.

I didn't know why he was here, or what he'd seen or heard but I actually felt a sense of comfort knowing I was somewhat safe. "Walk away before I break both of your legs and dry you in the woods for that bear that's been attacking people to eat on." Paul half growled making me flinch slightly in surprise.

I looked behind me to see if the fight had captured anyone's attention and spotted Bella and Edward making their way over. Edwards nose was scrunched up as if he smelt something distasteful but he lightly dragged my sister in a fast motion over to us all. "I think your all bark and no bite." Bryce said standing up and dusting himself off clearly trying to act superior to Paul. "Hey Miley is something wrong?" Edward asked and suddenly I noticed Jasper and Emmett here as well. All their eyes on Bryce and Monty who were suddenly out numbered and intimidated.

"Yeah I'm fine......... Bryce I think it's best you and your lap dog leave." I said it calmly to show I wasn't as scared with all these men here. Especially the vampire boys, but Paul also gave a sense of reassurance. "Whatever." Bryce practically spat as him and Monty walked away. "Dick heads." I mumble awkwardly as my eyes stayed on them as they walked away. I knew this was a beginning of something bad and it made my blood boil. Then I noticed Jess. Her eyes were slightly wide as her and Alex had been watching from a distance away not catching anything but the two jocks leaving after being intimidated.

 Her eyes were slightly wide as her and Alex had been watching from a distance away not catching anything but the two jocks leaving after being intimidated

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"Thank you Paul. For showing up when you did." I said it politely unsure if me being nice to him would set him off like it seemed to at times. His eyes looked all black as he watched the two men walk away, I don't think it could get any worse until his eyes found the Cullens. They all just looked purely disgusted by one another. It took Paul a minute to focus on what I had even said as he glared them down, and vise versa.

"It's no problem...... I came to stop by and see a friend. Saw what they were doing and thought I'd help." He said it with a shrug but his voice sounded weird. I could tell he lied on his reason for being here, which I'm not nosy and don't need to know anyway. But he also lied what the reason he did it for was, it seemed weird how vague he was being but I didn't push.

"Well thank you nonetheless, and thanks Cullens for backing us up." I said with a smirk at their little posse being backup indicating Paul and I were the better team. "Pleeeease we scared their pants off." Emmett scoffed playfully but his eyes never left Paul's it was like a battle of the wits. "I'm gonna leave now but stay out of trouble would ya?" Paul asked but left before getting an answer. I didn't realize my bad luck was ruining his cred or something.

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