See you again

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By the time school had finished Miley felt drained. Her bed was calling her name but here she was in Zach Dempseys stupid convertible at a gas station near La Push. Bryce, and Monty were also with the two as they walked in hoping to get a afternoon snack and drink.

Miley just went straight to the back cooler grabbing an 2x energy drink that probably would be a mistake on an empty stomach. But truth be told Miley just felt like she wasn't hungry when she hadn't eaten since the night before. She completely walked past the two boys from the beach unknowingly. His eyes had immediately found her however...... and he couldn't help the glare at all the jocks she had walked in with either.

"You know what Swan?" Bryce said instantly causing Miley to tense before turning around with a scowl. "I don't know?What Bryce?" She asked clearly not impressed. "You need a pick me up" Bryce said nonchalantly. But it was obvious how bad she had tensed.

'Pick me up' = (Get a hot of drugs or some alcohol)

"You know I think I'll pass on that" she said glaring him down but couldn't help the slight itch that seemed to appear out of no where in her arm. She wanted to.....but she just couldn't bring herself to.....or could she.

"Oh since when have you been one to turn it down Swan?" Monty asked scoffing as he reached passed her to grab some jerky in the cashier line

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"Oh since when have you been one to turn it down Swan?" Monty asked scoffing as he reached passed her to grab some jerky in the cashier line. "And here I'll get you something to eat Miley you skipped lunch already you need something" Zach said actually trying to be nice. But Miley felt her chest getting heavier every second she realized she wanted another hit. Miley just grabbed a small bag of skittles. Not even breaking a smile. "Eh I don't know Zach, skinny Miley's hot.......maybe not eating will get her ready for me when she's ready?" Bryce said it taunting like whenever he seemed to talk to Miley.

There was a faint growl from somewhere in the store when Miley whipped around shoving Bryces chest harshly. He nearly fell to the floor but steadied himself with that smile she hated. All day he made digs at her about sex. He really thought Jeff was why she turned him down, when really she was just repulsed by him in general. " One more comment about my body, sex or just anything that involves me and you, and I will personally shove this can so far up your ass it will come out of your nose. Got it?" She said through clenched teeth clearly having enough of his bullshit.

Monty immediately grabbed Bryce and Zach got in between them. Bryce just scoffed looking her up and down. "I'd like to see you try princess!" Bryce Called over as Monty laughed yet still held his friend in a panic. Because they all new that Miley had laid him out plenty of times before with merely one punch. Miley charged slightly but Zach held her before she pushed him off slamming a ten down and just grabbing her drinks and storming out.

 Miley charged slightly but Zach held her before she pushed him off slamming a ten down and just grabbing her drinks and storming out

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Stupid Fucking Bryce Walker!!!

Miley felt like she wanted to just scream her heart out at the boy. But she held it in.......usually Jeff would be there keeping Bryce's comments to zero. But now he's gone and suddenly Bryce was ballsy with her again. Bryce walked out with the other two a few minutes after. Miley and him glaring each other down before the bell above the door dinged again and Miley met those familiar brown eyes. She stared stoically at him and he seemed to look upset at the mere sight of her before turning the opposite direction.

And it hurt.


Miley walked in behind the other boys and walked straight to the lump on the couch that was non other then a Justin foley. Hearing Miley talking to Zach, Justin stood up and walked over to her hugging her. He had been worried about her when Jeff died and then losing Hannah the same week? He was scared for his best friend. "Are you okay?" He asked and for once Miley felt a pain knowing he saw it and didn't even need to ask.

"It hurts........I feel like I can't even breathe" she whispered back into his ear. Tears that would never fall filled her eyes. "I'm sorry........none of this should have happened, not to you. I'm sorry I wasn't there but I just-" he couldn't say it but he was also hurting at the two losses but for different reasons. Miley could only nod before her hand held up an energy drink for him. Her matching tattoo with his very visible.

Ever since the two met they had one thing they really bonded on. Superheroes.

So the two naturally tried assigning a role to one another, it was good until it became about Batman and Robin. Justin claimed to be the Batman to the team and Miley was Robin. The two bickered for years over this simple thing. So naturally on both their wrists was a matching tattoo. It was Batman and Robins silhouettes and above it it said "you are the Robin" and underneath "to MY Batman".

It was Miley's first tattoo at the young age of 15. She had gotten as a stick and poke from the weird goth girl before managing to find a tattoo artist who didn't know her sheriff father.

The two sat about to talk about things as the other played their game when the door opened and a shrill voice sounded. Miley's eyes felt like they could t possibly roll anymore as her eyes fell onto Jessica. She was wide eyed and looked hurt at the sight of Justin. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! JUSTIN WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE AND WITH HER?!?" She said loud enough people down the road could probably hear.

Before Justin could utter an excuse Jessica's eyes looked to Miley in rage, "And so much for not knowing where he is huh? Sure seems like you two are cozy and happy

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Before Justin could utter an excuse Jessica's eyes looked to Miley in rage, "And so much for not knowing where he is huh? Sure seems like you two are cozy and happy....I'll leave" Miley wanted to say good riddance but bit her tongue for her best friends sake. He immediately led his girlfriend outside so she would quit staring his best friend down.

Jessica has to be the most annoying Jess she's met..... and she met Jess Stanley in Bella's friend group that she was now included into.Miley shook her head before stealing Bryce's controller from his hand, and got a kill almost instantly. The door rang and in walked Alex standall looking more emo then ever. As he plopped down beside Miley on the couch.

Here she was..... doing what she used to after school when there was no sports practices except .....Jeff wasn't sitting next to her bragging to his buddies how she was better at the game then them. Which usually led to many protests to the known fact Miley was better.

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