This Tape is for you

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(I'm not gonna do everyone's tapes but I am gonna do Miley's cuz obviously you haven't heard it before)

Tape 6 side 1

The Butterfly effect is very real, and Starting from the spread photo it caused so many things. It could have stopped Jessica from being raped or at least have someone help her. It could have just kept Jeff and you safe from that sign until someone drove by or maybe someone would have reported it sooner.

And Miley..... I am sorry your on here but........... your are somewhat a reason I'm dead. And here's the reason why.

I met you my first day of school, you were my partner in English. You seemed sad that you couldn't be with your friends and seemed annoyed you had me. I started apologizing and telling you I could do it myself if you wanted to switch. But suddenly your attitude seemed to change.

You ignored your friends teasing looks and smiles and just focused on doing the project. We were the first ones done and had enough time to talk.

I could already tell you weren't like every girl, you were more of a Tom boy that enjoyed some girly things. As we talked I realized you were the most popular girl at school. I felt secure now that we had become friends.

Because I knew you would have my back against it all.

When the bullying started you took me under your wing, but your friends were the bullies. You'd try saying they were just joking or would just tell them to knock it off. And they listened...... for a bit. Soon they started doing stuff when you weren't around.

I had a secret hatred for you. Thinking you could do more to stop them. But I soon learned that you had been using drugs..... so when they weren't around you were too busy shooting up. This made me hate to be away from you and hate your friends even more. For Bryce Walker was supplying you behind Jeff's back.

Bryce Walker really thought he was gaining your trust by feeding your addiction. And maybe he was.... but I didn't want to see you hurt and talked to Jeff.

You didn't talk to me again until you drunk at Jess's party. Maybe you were too drunk to remember what I did or maybe you forgave me. Bryce walked around sporting a black eye from the fist fight him and Jeff got into.

Maybe that was another reason you were upset. Because Jeff almost lost his scholarship from that fight, and he wouldn't have been able to afford college.

He protected you at the party. Bryce kept trying to lead drunk you away for a game of beer pong, to smoke a blunt, and Jeff hated it. Especially after what we know he did to Jessica that same night.

It was the night of the accident, obviously you now know Sherry hit the sign causing Jeff not to stop and collide with that other car.

When I found out what happened I felt numb knowing it was us who had caused Jeff to die.

It hurt me even more finding out you were inside that car with him and in the hospital somehow with just a concussion. I didn't think I'd be able to look you in eye every again. But when I did.......

You were talking to me about how you couldn't breathe, think without him here. I looked at you and saw how broken you were...... So I tried to tell you what happened snapped asking me to for once not make things about me.

Which upset me at the time and caused me to storm out of the room. Looking back on it I should have stayed. I should have let you yell your feelings out but instead I ran away....... Even after all the times you listened to me I couldn't do the same for you.

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