Hospitals and Rehab

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At first Miley didn't understand where she was as she slept comfortably on her bed

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At first Miley didn't understand where she was as she slept comfortably on her bed. A rhythmic peeping keeping her from going to deep sleep. She felt something warm on her hand but didn't know what it was. She also felt something radiating ice cold air from somewhere in the room making her nose wanna scrunch in disgust. Slowly opening her eyes, things appeared out of focus at first. But then her eyes began to clear and looking to her side she saw her sleeping father holding her hand with tear stains.

"Dad?" Miley grumbled due to needing a drink of water from a dry throat. His eyes lazily looked at her before processing what was happening. He stood straight up and woke up my sister as well. "How you feeling smiles?" He asked with her old nickname earning a side smile and grimace. "Thirsty.... is there any water?" She asked looking around as her eyes fell on Edward who smiled awkwardly.

"Edweirdo? What are you doing here?" Miley asked in shock that he was even there. But then again he's always up Bella's ass, so of course he'd be here. "Edwards the one that found you. He went to take Bella her cell phone she had left in his car and he heard you fall on the floor." Miley slowly nodded knowing the whole story was fabricated. Edward must have heard her from next door and needed an excuse for Charlie to call an ambulance without knowing he had snuck in Bella's room.

Miley smiled at her father as he handed her a glass of water. But she actually felt so little under his eyes at the moment knowing she was probably a disappointment. "You have guests in the hallway. Your mothers flight was delayed but she should be here shortly." Charlie said pushing the hair from her face. Making a sob escape as Bella and Edward practically ran from the awkwardness in the room. Neither wanted to see her cry, and they wanted her to have her moment with Charlie.

"I'm so sorry dad...... Jeff made me quit but after he- I just fell to peer pressure again. Bryce convinced me-" I started explaining only to be cut off.  "Bryce? Walker?" He asked to be certain and I slowly nod. Looking furious Charlie storms out and into the waiting room. I soon see Bryce leave past my door followed by Monty. But next to enter was an upset Justin, "I'm sorry I didn't know-" he cut off into a sob making me cry as he hugged me.

Apparently the bottle of Heroine I grabbed from his bag had been messed with and things were added to it. "It's okay it wasn't your fault. Whoever sold that to you-" I began to say when he cut me off. "I stole it from my mom's boyfriend that deals..... I'm so sorry." He sobbed climbing into a chair closest to my bed and practically clung to me. Next to walk in was the cult.

Pauls eyes felt like they could look right through me, but I shook it off. I smiled awkwardly at everyone noticing the bags under Paul's eyes. "Hey sweetie.... we are so glad your okay." Emily sniffled walking over and moving the hair from my face. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to pull you guys out of bed like that...." I say looking away feeling guilty at how tired they all looked.

"Can I talk to you alone." Paul suddenly said making everyone in the room including me look at him like he was insane. But surely everyone slowly left even a reluctant Justin after I punched him in the arm. "Were you trying to kill yourself?" We're Paul's first words and they were harsh making me flinch. "No... it was just a bad batch." I say not looking him in the eye. "I just didn't know with after that girl at your school-" he began saying but I cut him off sharply. "Hannah Baker..... yes I knew her... what about her?" She asked not liking how he had been leading onto what had happened. "She killed herself for attention Miley..... I don't need you following that by doing drugs to be noticed." He spat bitterly and my eyes glazed over.

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