Justin Foley Where Are You? We've Got some Work to do Now!

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"Hey Bells? It's time for school" Miley said to a stoic Bella laying in bed

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"Hey Bells? It's time for school" Miley said to a stoic Bella laying in bed. Their father let them skip a few days since the incident in the woods but now they had to go back. Bella's under eyes were dark like she hadn't been sleeping when it seemed like that's all she did. She also hadn't been eating much which ironically scared Miley. The mere look of Bella reminded her of herself but she had people actually die. It kind of pissed her off that Bella was acting this way over a normal break up. Yes he may have been a vampire but breakups are normal it's not traumatic to this extent.

"Look Bella I know you miss him but he is out there somewhere and alive... sorta. That's better then him being dead and gone forever trust me. So get up before I drag you." Miley ranted opening the curtains to let in some sunlight and with an aggressive huff Bella stood and walked to her closet. She wasn't going to shower and her hair looked greasy and she smelled of BO that Miley tutted grabbing the clothes she picked out and taking them to the bathroom. She even cooked breakfast for everyone trying to get things back to normal and happy times for the family.

Bella came down still I showered but dressed making Miley hold in a sigh as she put food on Bella's plate. She actually did sit down and eat a few bites before going to drive herself to school. Charlie and Miley just watched her walk out both concerned. "I understand breakups are hard but she's acting like-" Charlie began to vent stopping short as his eyes landed on her making her gulp her water more harshly. "I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that it's just.... it's more like someone is dead then a breakup." He sighed rubbing his hair back in a bit frustration.

"Don't worry dad I'm gonna get Bella back to herself as soon as I can." I smile but I wasn't too convinced of myself at this point. He nodded and took his coffee to go leaving me to do the dishes that were usually Bella's job after breakfast. Zack was picking me up again he began texting me form outside and I grabbed my bag and smiled at him. I felt watched from what felt like the woods making a chill go down my spine but pushed it away as I got in.

"So how are you after your trial run of survivor?" Zach joked making me snort and roll my eyes with what humor I had left. "Let's just say I wasn't going to be eating any bugs or worms if it came down to it." I chuckled making him laugh along as we went to get Alex and Jess. "How's your hunt for Justin going?" Zach asked genuinely curious as we drove down the street to Alex's house. "I've gotten some leads. Apparently he's been spotted in Port Angela recently. So maybe he didn't make it on that train." I said it like it wasn't any big deal but I had called so many people for that little info.

I even called Justin's Moms drug addict boyfriend and he hung up quickly after hearing Justin's name. But then I called some train stations at Port Angela's before trying a homeless shelter. The homeless shelter had the most information which worried me. I thought calling there would be a dead end but turns out Justin is living on the streets. I had to find some guys to help me with going there scared of the dangerous people on the streets. But that's also what was pushing me to go as soon as possible and save Justin. Plus Justin's statement could help with court and Hannah's case as well so others were looking for him too.... but I would find him first hopefully.

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