Q & A

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Hewo, Randoms!! I am so sorry for not updating in a long time, I stayed at my aunts house for New years and I have been taking a break from writing, but as I said I forgot to put the rest of the chapters in so here is the Q & A and the rest of the chapters I promised and I'm sorry!!!!! 😭😭

From darrylovestroies

Q: What Inspired you to make this amazing book?

A: I used to read a ton of dark harry books and I loved all the drama and romance and I was like, 'Maybe I can make a good book too!'. So then I was writing ideas on papers and doing some extra studying so I can get that I get most of the info right and I am aware that some don't make complete sense so I'm going to explain is. And I'm glad you guys enjoy my book and I hope that if I am doing a bad job I will be able to improve!!

I also want to explain Hadrian's appearance. When I wrote the chapter when he got his inheritance I wasn't that specific so I would like to clear that up. 

1). Hadrian is an 11 year old boy who is slightly muscled, because he trains/exercises with Grodric.

2). The pic that I included with the chapter is just to give you guys an idea of the face. His face is a little babyish, because I'm aware that not all (or none at all) 11 year old children can look like that.

I wasn't expecting you guys to take it that seriously, but I can't control your minds.....or ca- Moving on!!!

Here is his info, for anyone who is confused about this.


Name: Hadrian Potter

Birthday: July 31, 1980 (2 mins older)

Age: 11  (Right now)

Family: James Potter (Father), Lily Potter (Mother), Elliot Potter (Sister)


Non-wand Magic(100%)

Non-word Magic(90%)


Shadow Walk(1%)


Animal Speak(100%)

Sense Magic(100%)

Healing Magic(50%)

(Some is updated since he has been practicing his magic)

And I think the fact that the founders are still alive is a bit confusing so to explain the founder basically used time travel, because the 'somehow' sensed a disturbance with the future. Please don't question this au!! Cause clearly the tag says 'DarkHarry' so you should know this is nothing compared to the original books.

Also, I don't like being corrected, because in the first few chapters, I was using my phone so there was going to be mistakes and the new chapter are a bit better but still have some mistakes and I'm sorry for the people who get annoyed when someone spells something wrong!😅😅😅

And some things about myself is that I am 14 years old and was born in Pittsberg, Philadelphia and My favorite color(s) is/are Red, Black, Green, Purple (In that order).

Also thank you for all the love and suppourt, it gives me insparation to keep this book going and I hope you guys have a good day/evening/night!!!!

Bye Randoms~😜

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