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[A/N: Harry is right now three he will age throughout the book.]

The founders were extremely surprised with how Harry had such strong magic at such a young age. He could levitate objects, which usually took a lot of effort for someone so young, but Harry lifted it with no effort. Harry could also control his magic very well, which surprised Rowenea who thought a child Harry's age would fully lose control and shatter anything within radius.

As Harry grew up he became more close to Salazar and spent his time in the dungeon watching him make potions, whilst he was giving mini lesson about what should happen and what some of the basic potions represent. Everyone was surprised(again)that Harry was even able to get close to such a cold person.

When Harry became of age(4) the founders called for a meeting to discuss his learning.

Harry walked in with Salzar, as they just came from the dungeon.

"Hello, Harry", Merlin said as he walks in and sits in onenof the many seats in the dinning hall.

"Hello, Harry", Merlin said as he walks in and sits in onenof the many seats in the dinning hall

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[Dinning Hall and Harry's Bedroom, just imagine a bit more drawings

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[Dinning Hall and Harry's Bedroom, just imagine a bit more drawings.]

"Merlin!", Harry says excitedly as he runs up to the man. 

The founders and Harry get seated . Once seated Harry asks,

"Soo...what's happening?"

Merlin speaks up and said,

"Well, Harry we are going to discuss your education in magic."

Harry's face lights up immediately. The founders smile liking how happy is.

"I will be teaching you spells and the correct use of magic, you will also be reading and learning history with me.", Rowena said looking fond of herself.

"I will be teaching you the use of plants and herbs that can help you with future things, I will also teach you about mystical animals that you may be able to befriend.", Helga adds in after Rowena.

Harry was jumping slightly with all the things he would be learning and was excited with what Grodric and Salazar had to offer.

"I will teach Defense , as well as how to use any weapon given to you. Including Goblin-Made weapons.", Godric said in a buff voice. 

"And lastly, I will teach you potions and the Dark arts.", Salazar said nocholantly.

"And I will come by once a week to teach you the elements as well as Hogwarts history." 

Harry stops bouncing and asks," I thought Rowena was teaching me History?"

"Oh, I will be teaching you Wizarding History, which is everything else.", Rowena said clearing up the confusion. 

Harry makes a slight 'o' shape but then goes back to bouncing.

"Okay, Snaklet stop bouncing.", Salazar said in a warning tone 

"When are we starting?", Harry asks as he slowly stops bouncing.

"Next week so get studying if you want a head start.", Merlin says playfully but Harry takes it seriously and jumps up to study. The founders sit there silently dumbfounded then start quietly laughing which then made them all erupt in laughter.

They couldn't wait to teach that bundle of joy.

[A/N: Sorry this is short I'll make my next one longer for y'all. But I wanted to get this mini one out the way so we can focus on the bigger scenes that will happen. Also please tell me if I'm doing good. I actually feel anxious thinking if this is good enough.]

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